My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 756 I Will Rob!

Chapter 756 I Will Rob!
You don't need to do this matter, there is a stage of life and death in the sect, I will arrange people to fight with him.At other times, he voluntarily went to the stage of life and death, and he didn't care about your business when he died.It is impossible for those two masters of the Qingling Emperor to find fault with the God Cult for a mere person they met by chance. "

"Then... what about his spirit beast?"

"Give you."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Guo!" Qi Jinpeng smiled broadly.

"You have done a lot for me. I promised to find a soul beast for you, and I will do it."

After the two finished speaking, they turned and left, but Ling Tian and Yue Yao, who signed up below, raised their heads and glanced at Qi Jinpeng's place just now.

The conversation between the two of them just now has been transmitted to their ears verbatim through the spiritual power of Feilong and the other two spiritual masters.

Ling Tian: "Idiot."

Yueyao: "Retarded!"

The Divine Sect is a first-class gang force under the command of the Divine Beast Dynasty.

To become a disciple of the God Sect, two conditions must be met at the same time: the age is under 60 years old, and the strength is above the level of the Orange Spirit King.

Therefore, Ling Tian and Yueyao are the lowest-level disciples of the Divine Sect.

"All those who pass the registration follow me!"

An outer disciple in a white robe gathered all those who had passed the registration and flew towards a vast platform above.

Before flying away, he took a special look at Ling Tian.Seeing that Ling Tian was also looking at him, he showed a provocative look.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and ignored him.

It's just an idiot whose spirit beast is skewered into mutton skewers.

There are a total of 5000 disciples who have passed the exam, and the huge crowd of people directly piled up the entire platform to the brim.

"Everyone, I am very glad that you can pass the registration and enter the second gate. I am Xiao Ziyuan, the elder of the outer sect of Xuantian Peak of the Divine Cult. You can call me Elder Xiao."

"I've seen Elder Xiao!"

Five thousand newcomers bowed 90 degrees to Elder Xiao one after another to show their respect.Except for three people who are ready to make trouble.

Elder Xiao looked towards Ling Tian and Yue Yao, facing their disrespect, he was very dissatisfied in his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"There are a total of 5000 people who have passed the registration this time, but the disciples of our God Sect strive for perfection and do not seek too many. Only 5000 of today's 500 people will stay. So next, everyone will face the first round of competition." test.

There is a kind of spiritual grass called Mimosa planted on the back mountain of Shenjiao.Its medicinal value is extremely high, and it is one of the main medicines for refining various elixirs.But this elixir is quite smart, as long as someone approaches it, it will hide.

There are a total of 3000 such spirit grasses planted in the back mountain. You can form a team to search for them, or you can go alone. In short, gather here after an hour. Those with spirit grass will be promoted, those without spirit grass will be eliminated, and those who come back late will be eliminated , Those who take human life are eliminated. "

Let's talk, Elder Xiao Ziyuan took out a mimosa and showed it to everyone: "This is a mimosa, everyone, look carefully, don't pull it wrong. Now, the timer starts."

As soon as the words fell, the newcomers rushed towards the back mountain in a swarm, only Ling Tian, ​​Yue Yao and Xiao Yu stayed in place carelessly.

"Why don't you go looking for mimosa?" Elder Xiao asked Yueyao.

"Because I plan to snatch them later. You only said that you will have a mimosa in an hour, but you didn't say you can't snatch it?"

Elder Xiao: "..."

"What about you?" Elder Xiao looked at Ling Tian: "Are you planning to join the robbery too?"

(End of this chapter)

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