My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 765 He's a monster!

Chapter 765 He's a monster!

"It's too late to rob others now. They are also candidates, and they can't burn all the mimosas. So as much as you can grab, go!"

"and many more!"

Seeing everyone rushing towards them, Ling Tian shouted to stop.

"What? Scared?" Meng Kui sneered.

Ling Tian also sneered, and said domineeringly: "I'm afraid of your sister!"

After finishing speaking, he said to a group of candidates who had rushed up several meters: "Boys, are you making a wedding dress for him by rushing like this? He is your leader, so he should be the first to rush, right? Otherwise, if you are injured, he will be the one who made it happen."

"Boy, don't provoke dissension! We have our own battle plan. If they go up, we will continue to do so in the next wave."

"Oh, you don't need to guess. You must be in the next wave, the next wave, and the next wave." Ling Tian said desperately.


"What are you? Am I wrong?"

After all, Ling Tian looked at the crowd and asked, "Surely he isn't from the previous two or three waves?"

Everyone: "..." Really!

"Do you know how he got the scar on his face? It was because he was too shameless and I beat him. Someone robbed his mimosa before, and we snatched it back for him, but we accidentally gave the mimosa to him. If he loses it, he will become angry and let us accept his slavery. If the slavery fails, he will have an enmity with us. So for this kind of person, everyone must keep their eyes open and see clearly, and don’t be used by him as a gun .”

"Time is up. Everyone, come back to the platform within ten breaths."

Suddenly, a deep voice enveloped the back mountain.

The hour-long hunt for mimosas is over.

"You idiots, is it okay now? The time is up! None of you will pass the test now!"

After cursing, Meng Kui glared at Ling Tian angrily.

With an expression of beeping a dog, Ling Tian yelled, "Blame me?"

"Pfft! Hahahaha..."

Looking at the resentful eyes on the other side and Ling Tian's disgusting look, Yue Yao couldn't help laughing.

This little girl's ability to piss people off is simply too strong, he doesn't want too much.

"Hey, are you going to let me in or not? I'm going out." Looking at the people blocking them, Ling Tian asked.

"Anyway, we are going to be eliminated too. If we want to be eliminated, we will be eliminated together. Everyone surround them and don't let them go out." Meng Kui spoke again.

Now, everyone is finally working together.

Anyway, it's all over, at least the three instigators must be pulled back.

"Hmph, retarded!"

Yueyao snorted coldly, and led Ling Tian and Xiao Yu to the outside, and the mental power attack that Ling Tian was familiar with opened up again.


Wherever they were going to pass but were blocked by people, everyone crouched down holding their heads in pain.

"Fine...mental power attack!"

"He is a monster!"

"What? Monster beast?"

Those who were not affected by the mental attack retreated one after another, looking at Yueyao in horror.

According to legend, only high-level monsters can launch powerful spiritual attacks.

"But the monster sends out congratulations, doesn't it require at least a monster who is above the Green Spirit Saint to send out? How can he, a monster at the level of the Orange Spirit King, send out such a powerful spiritual attack?"

"Unless his parents are monsters above the level of the Blue Spirit Emperor, otherwise, it is impossible for him to have such a powerful mental attack ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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