Chapter 773
"Xiaoge, let's go, Master will take you to Xuanling Peak for a visit. Let me tell you, we are the representatives of local tyrants! Look at Xuantian Peak, thousands of disciples are crowded on one mountain, how aggrieved? But we Xuan Lingfeng is different, you can fly sideways like a crab. Trees block trees, mountains block mountains! You can do whatever you want!"

Yue Yao: "..." But he has already reported to Xuanshu Peak, hey!

Looking at the back of Ling Tian being framed by that dead old man, Yue Yao is like an abandoned child.

It wasn't until Ling Tian's figure was no longer visible that Yue Yao realized it.

"Old man Cassia, I want to go to Xuanling Peak too!"

"Young Master, this old man's name is Jue Ming Xin." The leader corrected.

"I don't care, Cassia, I'm going to Xuanling Peak, I want to change my major!"

The leader looked troubled, and glanced at Feng Yun from the corner of his eye, but seeing Feng Yun's face turned cold, he shuddered in fright and said, "Young Master Yue, you are a distinguished guest of my God Cult, of course this old man will try his best to satisfy your request." But... but the old man just said the rules of our god religion, if you are broken by the young master, then... wouldn't it be changed every day?"

"You're not the emperor, why did you change the order from day to day? No one dares to say a word about you if you say it now!"

"This...Young Master Yue, look, if you are a Taoist teacher, I will definitely change your major for you immediately. But you are not a Taoist teacher! You are not a Taoist teacher, how can I help you change your major? "

"I'm not a Taoist talisman master, I can learn it! Could it be that someone is born a Taoist talisman master? You don't let me learn, how do I know if I can become a Taoist talisman master?"

"Then let's talk about it after you become a Taoist talisman master. After all, Cassia is not the only one who can count on the gods now. If you break the canon, you have to pass it."

"Which onion are you?" Yue Yao looked at Feng Yun and felt displeased.

"This seat is not onion, but this seat is the honorary leader, and the things that this seat decides will be counted."

"I object!" Why is this person so annoying? ?

"The objection is invalid. If you are not happy, you can leave at any time."

"..." Yueyao finally realized that something was wrong with Feng Yun, and said in a secret voice, "Xiao Ge's wife?"

Xiaoge's daughter-in-law?

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

After regaining consciousness, Feng Yun's lips raised a wicked smile.

So his little Tian'er had already told this retarded man about him?Is it this retarded person who wants to stalk Xiao Tian'er?
It's a pity that he was so jealous just now!
It's just someone who doesn't even have a chance to fight against him... What's that called?That word that Xiao Tian'er often says...

Oh, low b! !
"Sure enough, you are the daughter-in-law of my brother! Tsk tsk, you are not very good! With your appearance, you are not worthy of carrying shoes with the young master. Uncle, are you very old? Women also like men with good looks. You are so old and unattractive, young master, I will pry you off in minutes!"

Feng Yun: "..."


What should I do if I want to change back to my original appearance?
Feng Yun's slanted eyes slowly narrowed dangerously.

This mental retardation made him really want to change back to his own image to kill him instantly, what should he do if he makes him roll away in embarrassment?
He even called him uncle!

Phoenix is ​​a mythical beast!
Is he just coming of age at his age?

Do you think that everyone is a monster like him, the kind of low-level thing that grows up in the corners of the mountains?
At this moment, for the girl they like, the two beasts have burst out the essence of beast males——

Than, beautiful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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