My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 781 You also know Sayoko?

Chapter 781 You also know Sayoko?
"The area in front doesn't stink anymore. Not only that, but it's also a dormitory for four people with good conditions. The food is full of two meats, one vegetable and one soup. The inner circle of the four-person dormitory is a two-person dormitory, and the conditions are better. The most central place is the single room.

But this is not the best, the best is the area in the south, which is the courtyard with the largest area and the best accommodation conditions.Everyone has a separate yard, as well as a reception room, bedroom, servant room, kitchen, and incense room.Usually there are special people who are responsible for serving meals, cleaning up for you, and running errands for you.As for the food, you can order anything that the divine chef can cook.And all these treatments can be obtained by force. "

Ling Tian's eyes lit up: "Then what are you waiting for? I'm going to live in the best house."

"But there are only 10 courtyards in total. Now the emperors of the four empires occupy one, and I have one. The rest are five top-notch outer disciples."

"Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, the emperors of the three great empires, are they all comparable in strength to the top disciples of the outer sect?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No. Because they are the emperors of the four great beast empires, they have privileges in the divine religion, and they arranged the best courtyards when they came. Even if ordinary people challenge the top outer disciples, they will not challenge them. After all, they He is the monarch of the empire and has a certain background in power. Therefore, even if the strength is not enough, ordinary people will not trouble them and drive them away."

Ling Tian nodded to express his understanding.

"Why don't you ask the emperor of Qinglong Empire?" Yaoyue was puzzled.

"Because the Emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire is my other partner."

"Xiao Yezi is actually your partner?!" Yue Yao's eyes lit up.

Seeing Yaoyue's excitement, Ling Tian joked, "What? Are you looking at Sayoko again?"

"How can I! I just like you! But I think Sayoko is very forthright, very nice!"

"I already have a man! You really don't like me anymore, it's a waste of your time." With Phoenix, Ling Tian didn't want to provoke rotten peach blossoms outside at all.

"You have your man, I like you, that's my business. And everything is changing, what if one day you don't like him? Or one day he changes his mind? With me, You still have someone to rely on, can't you?"

Obviously Yaoyue has seen her disguise as a man, facing such a serious Yaoyue, Ling Tian also became serious.

"Yaoyue, you are my buddy, so I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to waste your time. If one day I don't like him, then I must die. And if one day he doesn't like I am dead, then he must be dead. So your assumption is not valid.

Besides, I don't have the habit of using my buddies as spare tires.You are the Crown Prince of Beizhou Continent, with such a noble status, you deserve a better girl. "

Ling Tian's words made Yaoyue stunned for a while again.

He likes Ling Tian very much, that's because Ling Tian has a fragrance that he has never encountered before.He could tell if the girl was good or not through this scent.

His view of love is not that complicated, he always recognizes people by smell.

It was the first time he had heard people talk about these things about love.When he was inexplicably shocked, he would have some small expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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