My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 784 There Are Monsters——

Chapter 784 There Are Monsters——

"Let let, let let!"

Those who were pushed and pushed by him showed amazed joy when they saw his bright face, but after seeing the two huge pig's hooves and the oil stains on her hands, they were very surprised. Collective eye twitching.

Whoops, girl, have you grown breasts after eating so much? !
Jade Soul walked in, saw Ling Tian, ​​waved his hand with a pig's trotter, and called out, "Hello, brother."

Ling Tian smiled slightly: "Good boy."

Jade Soul went in, just in time to meet Ye Chuchen coming out with a high-quality treasure.

Yuhun took a breath, his eyes lit up.

"smell good!"

"Go, go, gnaw your trotters!"

Damn, gnawing pig's trotters will make her poor. Does this guy still want to eat her treasures?

Yuhun is a good baby who is not picky about eaters. After the boy put the food on the table, he started to eat big.

"Emma, ​​big girl... she has a really good appetite!"

Yaoyue looked at Yuhun, her eyes almost popped out.

They had only eaten a few mouthfuls of food, and this girl had already eaten three bowls.And the two pig's hands in her hands were bigger than her face, and she didn't know when she had dealt with them.Not even a bone left!
Facing the huge appetite of Jade Soul, Ye Chuchen and Ling Tian were already immune, only Yaoyue watched with relish.

Yuhun glanced at Yaoyue displeasedly: "Idiot, what are you looking at? I already have someone! You are useless!"

Ye Chuchen stretched out a hand, mercilessly grabbed Yuhun's ear, and pulled his face back.

"Who are you calling mentally retarded? You are the mentally retarded!"

Yuhun didn't get angry with Ye Chuchen either, just hummed and continued to eat.

Yaoyue: "...Hehe, I already have someone I like, and I won't like you. Don't worry, big sister!"

Yuhun had a big mouthful of rice in his mouth, but narrowed his eyes dangerously, pouted a bewitching face, and warned Yaoyue with a cute face: "Smelly vixen, you can't like Xiao Chen'er either. ! Xiao Chen’er belongs to me alone, I don’t allow you to like her!”

After all, he tried to reach out to give Ye Chuchen a bear hug.

Ye Chuchen was always on guard against this mentally handicapped person, and when he stretched out his oily hand, he slapped him across the face.

However, Ye Chuchen's hands were not as long as Yuhun's. Although Yuhun's face was beaten, Ye Chuchen's clothes were still tightly hugged by two oily hands, and they were successfully stained.

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Being with this stupid dragon makes my heart really tired!
Yaoyue's mouth has become an O shape.

"How do you know that my body is a fox's?"

This is not scientific!
Even if this guy is also a monster, but he is the top monster in the entire Hunyuan Continent, even if it is the Spirit Venerable, it is impossible to spy out his real body.

Then how did this mere concubine of the empire, who seemed to have no brains, see it?

Seeing Yaoyue was extremely surprised, Yuhun said arrogantly: "Not only do I know that you are a flirtatious fox, I also know that you are the most flirtatious nine-tailed fox among foxes!"

Yaoyue: "...!!!"

Mother, there are monsters! ! !

The baby met two monsters who could spy on my body in the God Cult! ! !
"You... how do you know?"

"Because I am a smart baby, but you are mentally retarded!"


Jade Soul covered his head pitifully, and looked at Ye Chuchen, eyes full of grievances.

"He's mentally handicapped!"

"You are the mentally retarded! Shut up and eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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