My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 793 These Two People Are Too Much

Chapter 793 These two people are too much
"That's a great idea!"

Yaoyue: "...=_=!!" So what made you conclude that the crown prince is doomed?Didn't even listen to the crown prince's words, it's too much, isn't it?
Flip the table!
"Sister, what happened to Brother Muhun's injury?"

Seeing that Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen had already discussed to fight for the hegemony of the entire Dongzhou Continent, and Feng Yun and Yaoyue were completely unable to intervene, Xiao Bai really couldn't listen anymore, and couldn't help asking the last question. Important issues.

Although it doesn't know this brother Muhun, but when it sees him, it feels very kind.It was very worried about brother Muhun's injury.

"Yeah, how is Muhun? His injury shouldn't bother you, right?"

"Who am I? Is there any injury in this world that can stump me? Although I really can't help him heal now, there is always a way."

Ling Tian opened his eyes: "What? You can't cure it now?"

"He is a dragon! Shenlong! The purity of blood, meridians, and bones are completely different from those of humans. I have to study it first, and then treat his injuries."

"Then is his injury serious?" Feng Yun couldn't help asking.

After all, how serious an injury would it take to make such a tall beast look so stupid? !

"Very important. Let's put it this way, if I can't find a way to cure him within three years, he's going to die."

"So serious?" Ling Tian frowned.

"How much internal injury did he suffer?"

"It was an almost fatal internal injury. No part of his internal organs was intact. He used a gas different from spiritual energy to wrap his internal organs, and it was temporarily functioning normally. But now this gas has been dissipated. Once If he disappears, his internal organs will be completely shattered, and his body will die."

Feng Yun: "..."

Yaoyue: "Then...then how can we save it? Isn't that a dead end?"

"You're the only dead end! Didn't you break your internal organs? Why is it a dead end? Don't curse our stupid dragon!"

Yaoyue: "..." Can the internal organs be cured after 500 years of rotting? ? ?

Among the astonishment of everyone, only Ling Tian heaved a sigh of relief, and patted Ye Chuchen on the shoulder: "I am optimistic about you! You will win!"

"Why aren't you worried at all? Aren't you afraid that I'll cure him?"

"What am I worried about? This is your man! You can't cure the man who has been waiting for you for 1000 years?"

Looking at Ling Tian's ambiguous eyes staring at her, Ye Chuchen's ears turned red.

Both Ling Tian and Feng Yun's eyes widened at this moment.

After all, for Miss Ye who is always on the road of bottom-hunting, blushing is even more rare than ice skates in the sky.

"Hey, little fox, you said that your mother arranged a guard to protect me when I was born. Could that guard be my personal court lady Tweet?"

"That's right, it's her. She's actually a demon beast at the level of the Qingling Emperor. Although her strength is not very good, within the scope of the empire, she is still strong enough to protect you."

"Damn! I should give her a Best Actress Award! She has been lurking by my side for 16 years, and she is always timid when encountering things. She is actually a master of the Linghuang! Talented!"

Thinking of a eunuch bullying her, she looked timid, and Ye Chuchen couldn't help giving her Tweet a thumbs up.

(Congratulations to the three readers who won the prize, Chen Mingyi on the 2th floor, Chen Mingyi on the 17th floor, and Naihe Bridge on the 27th floor. Please add me q: 2755579223 and indicate the winning readers. Please ask for Huoxiang Xiaohuangyu flavor monthly tickets and recommended tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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