My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 796 I want to see you happy

Chapter 796 I want to see you happy

After receiving a look from her brother-in-law for a fool, Ye Chuchen realized that Fei Yu's name was Li Jue, and Fei Yu was just a code name for the "Fei" guards next to her brother-in-law.

Just like the flying dragon in Anbu, his real name is Yunluo.

It turned out that Fei Yu's name was Li Jue!
It sounds so good!
It's a pity that she already has a stupid dragon.

When Ye Chuchen was talking to Yaoyue all kinds of unethical things, Mu Hun suddenly said: "If I die, you can be with other men. I want to see you happy."

Yaoyue: "I'm so touched! Uncle Muhun, you are really a good person."

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Flip the table!
Why don't you flirt with me, are you going to die? !
"You are mentally retarded! Is telling you these words to make you die?"

Mu Hun was wronged: "But, it's you who keeps saying that I'm going to die!"

"You are indeed going to die, you are stupid!"

Damn mental retardation!

It's so annoying to talk to him!


It wasn't until he swallowed the depressed breath that Ye Chuchen said bluntly and slowly: "My old lady means that you lie down obediently and cooperate with my treatment. Until I completely cure you, you will be obedient and obedient. Then you won’t die! But if you don’t listen to me and use your spiritual power indiscriminately, then your life will be in danger. Do you understand?”

Mu Hun's eyes were shining brightly, and the corner of his lips raised a gentle smile that was completely inconsistent with mental retardation: "So if I don't die, you will never leave me, right?"

Ling Tian couldn't help laughing while watching.

In fact, she really thinks that this is not a stupid dragon at all!

That's pretty smart, isn't it?
It is absolutely possible to grasp the key point of Xiao Chen'er's speech, and then flirt with it on that point.It wasn't until Xiao Chen'er was teased that he lost his temper, and then he continued to be his mentally retarded.

This is simply a mentally handicapped person, okay?

Look at other people's mental retardation, and then look at their own!

Thinking that the favorite thing of a big eater every day is not to tease her, but to eat the food she cooks, as if he has never had enough food in eight hundred lifetimes, and still has to compete with her for every meal, Ling Tian felt tired.

One is a smart dragon under the banner of mental retardation.

One is a mentally handicapped bird under the banner of being smart.

In other words, is it normal for a divine beast to have one?
"Isn't it?"

Mu Hun didn't get Ye Chuchen's reply, and was entangled with life and death.

"Oh, yes, yes!"

Ye Chuchen was so teased by the stupid dragon that he couldn't help it, so he gave another affectionate reply.

The stupid dragon got the result he wanted, and obediently said: "Then I won't move, and I will do whatever Xiao Chen'er asks me to do in the future."

"Hey, no, why do you call me Uncle Muhun? Oh, I've become a man! He saw it, lady, do you want to kill me?"

Yaoyue: "...=_=!!"

This reflex arc is long enough!
"This is your acquaintance. His mother used to have a good relationship with you, and she is one of your own."

Mu Hun glanced at Yaoyue, then nodded indifferently: "Oh."

"No, if he was my acquaintance, why did he call me Muhun? Isn't my name Yuhun?"

"Who said your name is Jade Soul?"

Mu Hun: "...They all call me that."

"Your name is not Yuhun, your name is Muhun."

"Oh." Mu Hun nodded, and he answered Ye Chuchen's words.

He doesn't care what kind of soul it is called, as long as his wife is happy.

(End of this chapter)

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