My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 914 Explosive Update 65

Chapter 914 Explosive Update 65
"Little Tian'er, I used my spiritual power to probe your body just now. Is the doll you mentioned golden?"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly.

Feng Yun rubbed the head of her own little thing, feeling a desire to be cried stupidly by her.

"Little Tian'er, that's not pregnancy, that's confinement."

"Baby? What the hell?" Ye Chuchen asked, "Why is Xiao Tian'er and I having the same strength now, but why is there no baby in my dantian?"

She could faintly feel what Ling Tian said in her dantian when she felt her pulse.But there is no such thing in her dantian.

"I don't know why, although Xiao Tian'er is a mortal, the route she walks is no different from that of cultivating immortals. Her foundation building is at the level of a general warrior's spirit master, her alchemy is at the level of an ordinary warrior's Chiling King, her Jin Dan is at the level of the Orange Spirit King, and now that she has entered the level of the Huang Lingsheng, her strength has been upgraded to Yuanying.

So the golden baby in your dantian is not pregnant, but the nascent baby conceived by your golden elixir.Because the Nascent Soul is your natal body, so it naturally resembles you. "

Ling Tian: "...=_=!!"

Looking at the disheveled Ling Tian, ​​he felt faintly disappointed, but wanted to laugh.

Her little Tian'er brought him along to make a big oolong.


Ye Chuchen suddenly covered her belly and laughed unceremoniously. While laughing, she couldn't help but complain badly: "You're still pregnant! Hahahaha...Emma, ​​I'm dying of laughter!"

After all, Ye Chuchen looked at Mu Hun again and said, "Seeing that there is no stupid dragon, it's not that I won't give birth to you. The key is that you are divine beasts and I am an ordinary person. Pregnancy is not easy! Look at Xiao Tian'er, or A professional pregnancy expert, isn't she also pregnant?

So calm down!Anyway, I am also the one who wants to climb to the top of the world. If you let me brew for 5000 years or something, maybe I will be pregnant. "


"What's wrong! You can't even conceive a professional pregnancy expert, let alone me. After all, you are a tall beast!"

"That's fine. But after Xiao Tian'er is pregnant, you will give me one too."

"Oh, I got it, I got it. It's not like I can conceive this thing if I say I can conceive it."

Listening to Ye Chuchen talking about a professional pregnancy expert, Ling Tian felt very angry.

I really want to take a pair of tongs and pinch this person out, what should I do?

Mu Hun uttered a doubt towards the sky.

Feng Yun also felt the change in the sky at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Ling Tian looked at Feng Yun strangely.

Feng Yun and Mu Hun looked at each other, and the next moment, Ling Tian was quickly taken away by Feng Yun.

That's fast...

The last time they encountered Di Wuhen's ambush, Fengyun's speed was so fast.

"Brother, what's the matter? What happened? Where are you taking me?"

Looking at the scenery that flashed before him like a stream of light, Ling Tian's heart sank.

"Little Tian'er, I don't know why you have only upgraded to Nascent Soul, but you have to encounter robbery, but the robbery is really eyeing you.

So later you do as I tell you.First, hold the Yuan and keep the One.No matter what happens, you must guard your dantian, don't let Jielei injury split the Nascent Soul you have so hard to transform into, understand? "

"En." Ling Tian nodded, but was shocked in his heart.

What the hell?

(End of this chapter)

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