My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 917 Explosive Update 68

Chapter 917 Explosive Update 68
Lei Jie, who thought he wasn't going to fall, suddenly slashed down towards Fengyun like a waterfall in such a violent way, and Ling Tian was so frightened that he kept silent for a long time before he couldn't stop his trembling question.

"It's okay baby, it's slashing in front of me. It should just keep me from getting close to you."

"Well. Then you'd better not come close to me. I'll wait."

"……it is good!"

Feng Yun felt that his outlook on life had been subverted by this tribulation.

On weekdays, if you meet someone who is going to help you overcome the thunder tribulation together, the power of the thunder tribulation will immediately become three times the power that the strongest of the two can resist the thunder tribulation.

So no one will help another person to survive the thunder disaster.Because this is a dead end game.

But he tried to get close to Xiao Tian'er twice, to accompany her, to help her overcome the tribulation, but the tribulation thunder was just a serious warning, and he didn't even think about attacking him.

and so……

Is this robbery trying to save Xiao Tian'er?
Poor Ling Tian, ​​sitting alone in a hill, spent his New Year's Eve in this hill surrounded by mountains.

At the beginning, she could still concentrate on staring at the tribulation thunder rolling in the sky, making sure that she could resist its attack in the first place.

But after an hour, she felt that her eyes staring at that Lei Guang were about to turn into glaucoma.

So she stopped watching.

After that, she found a place to sit down.

In the end, she stared at Rolling Jieyun with big eyes and small eyes all night long.

A white belly appeared in the sky, and it was dawn.

Jieyun began to shrink gradually.

Jieyun shrinks a little, and Fengyun gets closer to Lingtian.

Finally, the distance between the two was shortened to the distance where one could clearly see each other's appearance by turning their heads.

"Brother, is this the three nine thunder calamities you mentioned?" The agreed 27 thunder calamities, one of which is more powerful than the other, will you die if you don't fight hard?

Looking at the little thing with 7 mushrooms growing on its head, Feng Yun suddenly had an inexplicable urge to laugh.

Walking towards Ling Tian in three steps at a time, he just walked around the Jieyun that was about to disperse.

From the clear sky, another thunderbolt fell without warning, brushing against Feng Yun's body and falling, blasting a big crater in front of him.

Ling Tian: "..."

Feng Yun: "..."

In the end, Feng Yun could only be patient.Jieyun shrunk a little toward the center, and he took a step closer to Xiaotian'er.


Jieyun shrank into a black cloud the size of a 50-inch LCD TV, hanging less than 5 meters above Ling Tian's head.

This height-

The two of them could touch the cloud just by jumping.

Seeing the Jieyun getting lower and lower and the sky getting brighter, Ling Tian was in a mess.Looking at Feng Yun who was one and a half meters away, he asked in a low voice:
"Brother, is it still chopping?"

Feng Yun glanced at Jie Lei, touched his nose, and said the truth: "I don't know."

"Then... am I going through the thunder tribulation?"

"..." Feng Yun thought for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "If it is chopped off, then forget it."

The Jieyun, which was the size of a 50-inch LCD TV screen, was still shrinking, and finally, it shrank into a cloud that was only the size of Ling Tian's shoulder.

Just when Ling Tian and Feng Yun thought that this cloud would just disappear right under their noses, within the less than 50 cm wide Jieyun, a thunderbolt slashed down towards Ling Tian, ​​directly hitting her like a flower. Jade's face.

"Come on!"

Before Ling Tian and Feng Yun could react, the tribulation thunder disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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