My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 926 I will come again——

Chapter 926 I Will Come Back——

Ye Chuchen recovered from the shock of this wonderful gift, and couldn't help asking.

"Before... just a month ago, I saw that little brother Hu Ge...wasn't he frying shit for Mr. Jun? At that time...I couldn't believe it at the time, after all, Mr. Jun is so stylish one person.

But... But when I went in, I just watched Mr. Jun put the seasoning into the fried shit, and then ate the shit with a look of enjoyment!

So... so I thought that Mr. Jun likes to eat all kinds of shit.I'm sorry Mr. Jun, I didn't know that you have to be picky about eating shit. "

Seeing Feng Yun's face that had completely darkened, Cassia and his subordinates were so frightened that they all felt bad.

Is he easy?
In order to flatter him, he endured his nausea and searched for excrement for a full month, just to please this master.

He was in Hu Ge's yard that day and he could clearly see that Mr. Jun really likes to eat shit!
"Or, Mr. Jun, do you like the hard lumps of constipation, not the soft ones?"

Feng Yun's face was almost dripping with ink.

Cassia shuddered in fright: "How about you tell me, whose shit do you like to eat? The little one...the little one will help you collect it?"

After finishing speaking, Cassia Zi gave Ling Tian an ambiguous glance, intentionally or not.

Could it be that... what Mr. Jun ate was Hu Ge's?
Most likely!

After all, it is an indescribable relationship, so even eating shit is delicious!How could he be so stupid not to think of it?


Finally, Feng Yun couldn't take it anymore, and with a roar mixed with the power of the Lingzun, he directly sent the leader of Cassia and his subordinates flying.

"Oh—Mr. Jun, you wait for me, I will come back—"

Ling Tian: "..."

Ye Chuchen: "..."

The sadness of parting was so disturbed by Cassia Zi, that all the sadness disappeared in an instant.

"Brother, you'd better go away, lest he really throw a few lumps at you later."

Feng Yun finally couldn't bear Ling Tian's words, and retched.The next moment, he immediately mobilized his spiritual power to suppress the nausea again.

Can't vomit!
Can't vomit!
He must not vomit the food Xiao Tian'er cooked for him!

"Feng Heng, I will leave the rest to you."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, this subordinate will definitely do its best to protect Madam's safety."

"En." Feng Yun nodded.

Feng Yun firmly believed in everyone who was sent out to take charge of their own affairs.

He believed that he would protect Xiao Tian'er's safety.

"I'm leaving."

Feng Yun looked at Ling Tian, ​​and finally said goodbye.

Even though Ling Tian was extremely reluctant, he had no choice but to nod: "Be careful in everything."

"You too."

Feng Yun held Ling Tian's hand slightly tighter, and hugged her tightly into his arms.

After giving her a strong hug, without looking at her again, she flew up and disappeared into the sky in a flash of purple light and shadow.

He didn't dare to glance behind him until he flew out for a quarter of an hour.

He was afraid of seeing her reluctant eyes.

I was even more afraid to see the tears she couldn't hold back.


Feilong and Feiyu clasped their fists together, and the two of them had put on serious expressions and were waiting at the meeting place.

"Did you find Ling Jian?"

"I have found it, and told him the whereabouts of the two sons and daughters. He will go directly to the Soul Hall to wait for his wife."

"En." Feng Yun nodded: "Let's go."


Feilong took out a flying boat from the space ring, and the three of them entered the flying boat and headed towards Central Continent at high speed.

 [Burst Update 2] Congratulations on the closing of the curtain on the 2nd floor, Ge Xi Ruomeng on the 7th floor, Fan Xiaojian on the 9th floor won the prize.

  [Burst Update 7] Congratulations on the closing of the curtain on the 2nd floor, Zhu Yichen on the 7th floor, Gexi Ruomeng on the 9th floor won the prize.

  Please add my Q: 2755579223, specify the winning reader

(End of this chapter)

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