My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 930 The Magic Treasure Drawn by Hua Lixiao

Chapter 930 The Magic Treasure Drawn by Hua Lixiao
"It seems to be a life-and-death enmity that exterminates the family. And I heard that Hua Yukun once led a group of people to destroy a stronghold in Dongzhou. The leader behind that stronghold is Gu Qianchou. So Gu Qianchou and Hua Yukun has a life-and-death hatred. His first wife was killed by him because he vowed to destroy Hua's family.

But since Huahua is the eldest sister, it means that her soul is attached to Hua Lixiao, just like Xiao Yezi, right? "

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen didn't say a word, it was a tacit agreement.

"So my third way is to tell Gu Qianchou that Sister Hua is not Hua Yukun's daughter. In this way, Gu Qianchou will not embarrass Sister Hua, but also form an alliance with you. How about it? Am I smart?"

"Xiao Tian'er, do you think what he said is feasible?"

"It's feasible. But I can't make up my mind about this matter. Let's wait until my brother comes back."

"Yeah." Ye Chuchen nodded: "Well, when will Feiyang bring Huahua to us?"

"It is said that people can be brought out in a month at the latest."

"Must!" Ye Chuchen snorted: "Even if he is from Dongzhou and has a mortal feud with Di Qianzhong, he is a man with a concubine! He is so dirty, how can he be worthy of it?" My Huahua?!"

"that is!"

"..." Although a little speechless, he immediately said in sympathy: "Yes! I also despise men with three wives and four concubines! In my heart, Uncle Mu and Uncle Mu are the most respectable men. They learn!"

"Well, good boy!" Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen said in unison.

" you still fire me?"

"Although we are a women's team, but for the sake of your hard work, let's add another member."

"You will be the fourth child from now on. But we all have to listen to Huahua. If Huahua is not around, we will listen to Xiao Tianer. If Xiao Tianer is not around, we will listen to me."

"Okay, no problem!" Yaoyue was happy to have such a group of good sisters, she patted her chest and said, "Leave me the matter of recruiting people and joining forces with Gu Qianchou."

The two spirit guards behind were speechless.

The prince of their family has lost his wife and lost his army!
Is it worth it to be the fourth child with the least power?

Suddenly, Ye Chuchen felt that the space was different, and looked inside, and there were dozens of sheets of paper in it.

Taking out these papers and checking them one by one, both Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen's eyes widened.



"Huahua is a genius!"

"I adore her so much!"

"She's going against the sky!"

"This is the only way to stop the sky!"

"But where can I find materials for her?" Ling Tian suddenly felt a headache.


As soon as Ye Chuchen finished speaking, a huge magnet that almost filled the entire courtyard appeared in front of Ling Tian.


Ling Tian couldn't help shouting: "So many!!!"

"Little Tian'er, do you want to make one for me too?"

"of course."

"I love you!"

"As long as there is enough, we will make more."

Yaoyue looked at the pile of drawings on the table, and asked with some jealousy: "Xiao Lingzi, Xiao Yezi, what are you talking about? What is this? Can I have mine?"

Ling Tian was taken aback, and smiled and patted Yaoyue's shoulder: "Okay, I will make four, and each of our four sisters will make one. But you will be responsible for finding the rest of the materials."

 [Burst Update 67] Those who did not meet the building requirements would be skipped and counted directly, but the number of people building this floor is too small, so we can only count the floors in order.Congratulations to the sexy not sao on the 2nd floor, the lingering talk and laughter on the 7th floor, the warm Hong Kong girl on the 9th floor, Mei の 子 on the 12th floor, the evening star in the night sky on the 17th floor, and Fan Xiaojian on the 19th floor for winning the prize. Please add me Q: 2755579223, note Name the winners, and send me your pick-up address, pick-up person's name, and phone number.

(End of this chapter)

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