My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 937 The Awesome New Generalissimo

Chapter 937 The Awesome New Generalissimo
"From now on, I will never covet my brother Gu Qianchou's woman again. If I violate this oath, I will be killed by the thunderstorm."


Accompanied by a roar, the Lei Jie oath was established.

Hua Lixiao also heaved a sigh of relief.

At least she doesn't have to worry about Huangfu Gongchen's disgusting thoughts towards her in the future.

Although she knew that Gu Qianchou was acting in front of Huangfu Gongchen and deliberately exaggerated, but hearing these words, her heart couldn't help but move slightly.

Gu Qianchou also let out a breath.

"It's great that Dijun no longer covets my wife."

Huangfu Gongchen: "..." Is this praising him or belittling him?

"Qianqiu, why do you have to judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain? Not only will the emperor not covet your wife, but he will not force you to become a general in the future.

Hey... how many people want to sit in your position, even the emperor can't see it.You said you, why are you so stubborn?Dijun may have done something to hurt you because he suspected that you were Lei Lingzun.But in order to save you, the emperor showed a hundred thousand points of sincerity, and even handed over the tiger talismans of the east and west armies to you at will. Why don't you accept such kindness? "

Hua Yukun sighed, but his eyebrows were full of embarrassment: "Sometimes young people can't be too impulsive, and sometimes there is no such shop after passing this village. No, now the old man is helping the emperor to find a man named Ruyi. Generalissimo—Meng Qisheng."

Under Hua Yukun's recommendation, the new Generalissimo Meng Qisheng, who had become arrogant since seeing Gu Qianchou, stepped forward, clasped his fists at Gu Qianchou and said, "I've seen Gu Da... I've seen Gu Qianchou." Son!"

Originally Marshal Gu was about to export it, but only then did he realize that he called "accidentally" wrongly, so he changed his words.

"Marshal Meng." Gu Qianchou nodded to Meng Qisheng without saying anything.No surprises.

"Qianqiu, I begged you to go back again and again, but you are not willing, so I don't want to make our brotherhood even more rigid. That's why, under the recommendation of Prime Minister Hua, I named Meng Qisheng the Marshal of the Army and Horses .

For the new Generalissimo, Qian Qiu must have an impression of him, right?He was the deputy head of the Yuantian Sect in Xizhou Continent before, and because he was a genius of cultivation, he was even stronger than the head in just 1300 years.Now he is as strong as Qianchou you, and he is a warrior of the second-level Lingzun. "

Hua Yukun also followed up with various praises: "And Marshal Meng was once the deputy head of Yuantianmen, and he has 10 disciples, almost all of whom are under his leadership, and he has the absolute talent of a general. The key is that he just took office. So I made a thunderous oath to the emperor, and I will be loyal to the emperor for life, and I will never have a second heart, which is enough to explain Marshal Meng's loyalty to the emperor."

"Prime Minister, how can you say that? If you say that, Qian Qiu will misunderstand me."

Seeing the displeasure in Huangfu Gongchen's eyes, Hua Yukun and Meng Qisheng immediately clasped their fists together like dogs.

"Don't be angry, the emperor, I just want to show that there are still things that can have the best of both worlds in this world. Although the emperor cares about Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu does not care about the position of Grand Marshal. This is why the emperor is so worried.

Now someone has taken the position of Grand Marshal, and he is someone who the emperor can fully trust and entrust with important tasks.As for Mr. Gu, if he wants, he can continue to be brothers with the emperor, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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