Chapter 944 Mutation
Before he could say the four words clearly, Huangfu Gongchen's complexion suddenly changed drastically, turning pale in an instant.

"How? How can this be?"

Huangfu Gongchen yelled suddenly, which startled Hua Yukun.

"Dijun, what's wrong?"

"I can't see what's inside the restriction. There are spiritual masters inside! And they are stronger than me! How can there be spiritual masters? It doesn't mean that the most powerful is the master of the peak of the Blue Spirit Emperor Is it? Meng Qisheng, what's going on?"

Facing Huangfu Gongchen's angry shout, Meng Qisheng also looked bewildered, shocked, shocked, and bewildered, not knowing how to respond for a while.

"Damn you! Hurry up and call back all the 10 troops inside!" Huangfu Gongchen was furious.


After Meng Qisheng took the order, he rushed towards the barrier, halfway through, but retreated in horror.

Huangfu Gongchen was about to be pissed off by Meng Qisheng, and he shouted angrily again: "Meng Qisheng, you dare to retreat before the battle? You dare to disobey me! Have you forgotten the oath you made?"

This was the first time that Huangfu Gongchen encountered a general who retreated before the battle, and this general was actually his newly appointed Grand Marshal.

It's a slap in the face!

"The emperor calm down! How dare the general disobey the emperor's intentions, but...but the general can't see the scene clearly, this...this is enough to show that the spiritual master inside is stronger than the general! The general Wouldn't it be courting death to go in?"

"So you just ran away? Meng Qisheng, don't forget that before you came here, you made an oath of thunder calamity. Once the 10 troops inside are wiped out by the local government, you will be killed by thunder calamity!"

"The general remembers! How can the general not remember! The general is more anxious than the emperor at the moment! But even if the general goes in like this, there is only one dead end! So the general begs Mr. Gu to go in with the general. In this way, the two of us It’s good to have someone to take care of, isn’t it?”

"Thousands of grudges!"

Huangfu Gongchen immediately looked at Gu Qianchou, his eyes were full of expectation and pleading.

"Did the emperor forget what I said before the time for a cup of tea? Now I am just a spectator, and Marshal Meng is the commander of this battle. How can I start to be afraid before facing the enemy?" general?

Marshal Meng, do you think being a marshal is the same as being the deputy head of a sect, you can get paid just by talking about it?It seems that you, the head of the sect, may not have a higher insight than Gu, a casual cultivator. "

Meng Qisheng's face turned blue and red from anger, but for the sake of his own life, he had to endure it.

After Gu Qianchou had scolded him, he said, "Yes, everything is my fault. It was my fault that I went my own way without inquiring about the situation. But Mr. Gu, there are 10 people from Xizhou in the ban." Army!

Even if you are no longer the generalissimo, can you just watch this 10 army be wiped out by the enemy?Can you just watch your brothers who have been with you for 10 years die tragically under the sword of the enemy?Don't you feel that your conscience can't make it through? "

"Yes." This time, Gu Qianchou answered more smoothly than anyone else.

"As an ordinary citizen of Xizhou Continent, a generalissimo who has stepped down, I have already provided my many years of experience to you, Generalissimo Meng. It was you who insisted on not listening to persuasion that caused the catastrophe."

(End of this chapter)

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