My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 950 The Real Marshal of Xizhou

Chapter 950 The Real Marshal of Xizhou
"Thank you for trusting me!"

"Xiao Jiu, this is as it should be. After all, we were once comrades in arms who died!"

So the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Hmph, since you value each other so much and love each other so much, then you can go to hell with him!"

The general Lan Linghuang looked ferocious, and he swung his palm and slapped down on the two soldiers who looked like ants below.

"Brother, it's good to see you again."

"You die with me in this life, and I will die with you in the next life!"

Just when the two held each other's hands and were about to die together.


With a scream, the general of the Blue Spirit Emperor was slapped from the air to the ground like a fly, splashing dust all over the place.

The originally flat land was photographed with a large pit ten meters deep.

General Lan Linghuang lay like a dead dog in the newly baked pothole, his whole face was covered with the freshness of mud.


With the sound of coughing, General Lan Linghuang began to spurt blood continuously.He stood up and looked into the sky.

There, a man stood in the air. His not-so-remarkable appearance and his blue cloth clothes made him look ordinary.

But the faint purple spiritual power on his body, as well as the windless and automatic hair silk robe, outlined his body incomparably majestic.

It's like a warrior who has been disarmed and returned to the field, even if he takes off his battle robe, he still gives people a sense of oppression that cannot be ignored.

This is the aura that can only be possessed by those who have been in high positions for a long time, but this commoner man has it.

Not only that, but also the feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai!
When the strong Lan Linghuang saw the man's book, his original expression of anger was instantly replaced by a touch of shock.

" are Mo Weiyan! The former Grand Marshal of Xizhou Army... Mo Weiyan?!"

When General Lan Linghuang spoke, even his tone changed.The voice was full of unbelievable astonishment.

"Marshal Mo! Marshal Mo, you are still alive!! Your subordinates have seen Marshal Mo!!!"

"Good boy, get up."

Facing the excited soldier, Mo Weiyan smiled slightly, and then a purple spiritual power appeared in front of the soldier, lifting him up from the ground.

At this moment, the soldier was staring at Mo Weiyan, so excited that he almost cried.

You know, the person standing in the air and smiling at him at this moment is his idol back then... Ah bah, it was his idol from the beginning to the end—the former Xizhou Bingma Marshal Mo Weiyan, Marshal Mo!

When he was a child, he accidentally saw Marshal Mo giving military training to the soldiers of Xizhou. That handsome and aggressive army gave him the idea of ​​becoming a soldier in an instant.

So he studied hard and practiced hard, and finally became a soldier, and then stayed in the army for hundreds of years.

He remembered it most clearly. Marshal Mo said a sentence most often: People should not only practice skills, but more importantly, not forget their original aspirations.

Until more than 100 years ago, a turmoil broke out in Xizhou, and the Generalissimo and several generals fell one after another. Not long after, the emperor of Xizhou also died suddenly.

Ever since Zhongzhou sent the current Emperor of Xizhou, Huangfu Gongchen, he only served as a soldier for his salary.

After all, in the barracks, there are many spirit stones, and there are no wars in normal times.

But at this moment, when he saw Mo Weiyan, the original intention in the soldier's heart was rekindled.

He did not believe that his comrades in arms would become a field army that would endanger the safety of the people of Xizhou, and he did not believe that Marshal Mo, who had defended the safety of the people of Xizhou with blood countless times, would be the leader of the field army.

(End of this chapter)

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