My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 959 Marshal Meng is really powerful

Chapter 959 Marshal Meng is really powerful

"If it's the girl you like, you must have brought it to me for a long time. Now it seems that you like her, but you don't bring me to see it. Obviously, you are rejected by her."

Seeing Gu Junyan's pale face, Mo Weiyan clicked his tongue twice: "As long as a girl is willing to give her body to you, it means that she has given her heart to you. But your daughter-in-law...she has already given her body to you. I love you, but I still don't like you. What the hell... You can't be the overlord, right? "

"Cough, cough, cough..." Gu Qianchou was caught off guard, and choked on his own saliva.

"Tsk tsk, you can, boy! I can't see that you are still the kind of tyrant! It has completely subverted my view of love! You said that even a gentle man like you can do such a nasty thing. What man in this world can be trusted!
No wonder women say that if a man is reliable, a sow can also climb a tree.You kid is embarrassing to our men's world! ! ! "


"You said that you seem to be a very smart person, and you were named one of the top ten sons of Hunyuan Continent back then. Why do you have such an elm head? No wonder when Emperor Ling Xiao talked about you in front of our emperor, Everyone was moaning."


"Women are meant to be pampered. How can you be a bully? I really admire you. People like you deserve to be single."


"Hey, forget it. I feel that you and I belong to two countries. No, we belong to two continents! I'd better go. I won't be as frustrated as Emperor Ling Xiao in the future."

Say it

Mo Weiyan waved his palm and hit the high platform.

The inscription pattern array under the high platform was instantly broken by this huge force, sending out a strong explosion.

Before the entire block was blown up, Mo Weiyan quickly left.

Gu Junyan: "..." So why did he tell him these things so embarrassingly?

This old guy is just a person who can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour!
You have the ability, why don't you marry a daughter-in-law and go back?

An old bachelor for a lifetime, how dare you talk about him!
Gu Junyan's handsome face was slightly cracked.

Seeing the explosion approaching him, he dodges away from the restriction.

The beam of explosion shot straight into the sky, and even Huangfu Gongchen was shocked by the huge explosion.

This is simply not something that ordinary Lingzun can produce.

"Qianqiu, shall we leave?"

Gu Qianchou took Hua Lixiao's hand and stood still.

"Here... seems to be the place where Marshal Meng mentioned the teleportation formation?"

Huangfu Gongchen was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "Yes! That's right! I saw it here just now, and it's the location of the high platform. Could it be that...Meng Qisheng destroyed the teleportation array, which caused the explosion?"

"Depending on the situation, it should be."

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor! Marshal Meng finally lived up to everyone's expectations and destroyed the teleportation array. It seems that the so-called prohibition of spirits is just a trick for them to fool us. In fact, there are no spirits in this restriction at all, but Some customary inscription pattern arrays disturb people's sight, hearing and judgment.

Marshal Meng's previous investigation was indeed accurate. Otherwise, if there really was a Spiritual Venerable, and a Spiritual Venerable who was stronger than the Emperor, how could he destroy the teleportation array while fighting against the Spiritual Venerable?
(End of this chapter)

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