Chapter 961

Although Marshal Meng is not here now, but Gu Qianchou, I will definitely not let you go today.Because you owe Marshal Meng an apology. "

Gu Qianchou sighed, looked at Huangfu Gongchen and said, "Emperor, I really have no choice. If you don't leave, don't leave. In the heart of Prime Minister Hua, my apology and his honor are actually better than yours." Life is more important.

What I should persuade has been persuaded, and what should be analyzed has been analyzed.You didn't listen to me from the beginning, so since this is the case, there is no need for me to protect Dijun anymore.I'm just waiting here, waiting for Marshal Meng to come out of the restriction with [-] troops from Xizhou.

I, Gu Qianchou, just put my words here, Hua Yukun, if your Marshal Meng can really bring out 10 soldiers safe and sound, or even bring out half of them, I, Gu Qianchou, would be willing to be killed by the thunderstorm. die. "


The Thunder Tribulation Oath was established.

"Qianqiu, why do you bother with him?!"

This time Huangfu Gongchen was really angry this time, and roared at Hua Yukun: "Hua Yukun, what are you going to do? Could it be that to you, my life is not as good as Qian Qiu's mere apology?" ?
What do you mean by your heart?When Qian Qiu was General Marshal, you provoked my relationship with him several times until Qian Qiu resigned as Marshal in a fit of anger.Now I have listened to you and found Meng Qisheng to be the Generalissimo, but you still want to force him.I can see it, you are a villain who will take revenge!And my life is not as important to you as the little hatred in your heart! "

Hua Yukun showed a sad look on his face: "Emperor, you are wronged! Don't you know what kind of person this humble minister is? Your loyalty to the emperor is incredible!"

"Emperor be careful!"

Gu Qianchou suddenly let out a loud roar.


Just when Hua Yukun held on to Huangfu Gongchen to prevent him from leaving, and desperately wanted to see Gu Qianchou make a fool of himself, a thunderbolt more than ten meters thick suddenly appeared in the sky, and it rushed towards Huangfu with a speed that was too fast to cover his ears. Gong Chen went straight away.

Fortunately, Gu Qianchou reminded him in time, which gave Gu Qianchou and Hua Yukun time to react.

Almost at the same time when Gu Qianchou's shout fell, Huangfu Gongchen and Hua Yukun had already moved away.

Lightning pierced down from the sky like a giant dragon to the ground.

Looking at the bottomless hole smashed out by lightning, Huangfu Gongchen's complexion turned pale in an instant.

Gu Qianchou was right!

That idiot Meng Qisheng, he clearly asked him to go in and bring out 10 soldiers, but he rushed in greedily and blew up the opponent's teleportation array, angering the opponent's spiritual master.

This is not what Huangfu Gongchen fears the most.

What scares him the most right now is——

The Lingzun inside the restriction, the leader of the field army, turned out to be Lei Lingzun who almost took his life several times!

Looking at the bottomless potholes on the ground, Huangfu Gongchen felt a hundred million unknown creatures whizzing back and forth, his whole heart tightened, and a very bad premonition arose in his heart——

Today is going to happen!

Hua Yukun on the side was also frightened.

Although he is not a strong Lingzun, he is there almost every time the emperor is attacked by Lei Lingzun.

So of course he knew that Lei Lingzun had come again.

"Boom boom boom boom-"

Accompanied by a series of extreme explosions, a series of explosions suddenly erupted in the restricted area on the other side of the water.

 Congratulations to Naier on the 2nd floor, chatting and laughing on the 7th floor, and You Ge on the 12th floor won the prize! (Repeated building is not counted, babies! It’s your turn, but if you repeat building, the reward will be postponed to the next "disciple" or above readers. So don’t repeat building!) Winning baby Please add Q: 2755579223, group number 446859562 (this group is a subscription group, you can enter if you have fan value!)

(End of this chapter)

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