My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 963 Adversity sees the truth

Chapter 963 Adversity sees the truth

Unfortunately, when he was blown away, the waterfall lightning behind him hadn't completely disappeared.

He had already suffered internal injuries, but the moment he flew upside down, he was seriously injured.

At the moment when several lightning bolts hit him, he only heard a "click".

He almost didn't need to look at him to know that the ice armor given to him by Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent was completely shattered!
Huangfu Gongchen spat out a mouthful of blood, and all the meridians in his body were severely injured by this blow.

Because the Ice Armor resisted the final and deadliest blow for him, even though he was seriously injured, his life was not in danger. This is luck among misfortunes.

But also because of Hua Yukun, the Ice Armor, which had already been battered by lightning several times, was finally overwhelmed and completely shattered.

In other words, in the future, his body will no longer receive any protection.

Huangfu Gongchen was so angry that he was dying, but he still didn't dare to attack.

Because his biggest and most feared enemy is right in front of him at this moment.

Although Gu Qianchou was already standing among them, but Gu Qianchou, like him, was only a second-level Spiritual Venerable, and could not compete with the fourth-level Thunder Spiritual Venerable, who also seemed to have the body of Thunder Spirit .

Huangfu Gongchen also knew that if he only let Gu Qianchou face it alone at this time, if he was injured and left alone, wouldn't he have a dead end?

So under the influence of the shame towards Gu Qianchou and the fear of death, Huangfu Gongchen just took a breather and stood side by side with Gu Qianchou.

Before, he was almost [-]% sure that Gu Qianchou was Lei Lingzun, but after Gu Qianchou made the thunder tribulation oath, his doubts had been completely dispelled.

Seeing Gu Qianchou and Lei Lingzun standing opposite each other now, Huangfu Gongchen felt like a fool!
A fool who was blinded by a miserly villain!

Although there is a little similarity between two people, whether it is face shape or body shape, when they really stand together, they can find that their face shape and body shape are actually different everywhere.

Looking at the momentum again, Lei Lingzun is full of violence, and the hatred in his eyes can't wait to drown everything in this world.

But Gu Qianchou, like a piece of warm jade, gives people a bottomless... sense of security.

Yes, a sense of security.

Although Gu Qianchou was only a second-level Spiritual Venerable, standing upright at this moment gave him a sense of security that he could rely on.

"Dijun, what are you doing?"

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen standing side by side with him, Gu Qianchou frowned slightly.

"Qianqiu, this is Lei Lingzun you have never seen before. He hurt me every time. He is a fourth-level master, you and I must work together."

"Dijun, you are already injured, leave it to me here."

After hearing Gu Qianchou's words, Huangfu Gongchen's eyes instantly became hot, and he was almost moved to tears.

Compared with the Hua Yukun who made the Thunder Tribulation Oath in front of him and declared his loyalty to him and would never betray him, Gu Qianchou never disdains any Thunder Tribulation Oath, and sometimes loves to go against him.

But when it was time for his life to be at stake, the dog leg who had set up a thunderbolt against him abandoned him immediately.

And this sum is against him, as long as he doesn't follow the opponent's way, the opponent is like a smelly and hard stone in the toilet, but at this moment, he is guarding him behind.

(End of this chapter)

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