My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 965 Gu Chou's Choice

Chapter 965 Gu Qianchou's Choice
Not to mention that he was instigated by Hua Yukun before, hurting him time and time again, defeating him, even today, he is nothing, and he still doesn't trust him.

Everything today is entirely his own fault.

If God gives him another chance to start over, he will definitely treat this hero and good general well.

"Qianqiu, let's go. Take Xiaomei and leave. Then tell Beixuanmo and Di Wudao about my affairs, and Central Continent will naturally make arrangements for Xizhou."

Knowing that he would die, Huangfu Gongchen did not beg Gu Qianchou again.

After all, people are not fools.

Lei Lingzun's conditions were set out like this, even if he knelt down, Gu Qianchou would have no reason not to leave.

Who knows-

"Dijun, since I have promised to protect you before coming here with you today, I will never leave you alone at this moment."


Huangfu Gongchen felt that something had collapsed in his heart.

In an instant, it collapsed.

He is a selfish person who is used to standing on the shoulders of others.So he doesn't believe in anyone except those who swore to be loyal to him under the Thunder Tribulation Oath.Not to mention the other party as a true friend.

So although he talked about Gu Qianchou as a brother, in fact, he never treated Gu Qianchou as a brother.

But at this moment, facing life and death, what Gu Qianchou did was to slap him in the face severely.

Originally thought that he recognized him as his elder brother because of his position as Emperor Xizhou, but he did not expect that he actually regarded himself as a brother.

Even if he treated him like this, even if he tried to touch his wife with all means, but after he said forgiveness, he really forgave.He said that he would continue to treat him as a brother, and he really regarded him as a brother.

"Thousands of grudges!"

At this moment, Huangfu Gongchen felt that he was a scum.

He swore in his heart that if Gu Qianchou was in danger one day, then he would also fight for him.

"Dijun, step back and take a good rest, and help me protect Xiao'er."

Huangfu Gongchen nodded: "Then be careful, if you see something wrong, don't worry about us, go first."

Gu Qianchou raised his lips slightly: "The emperor underestimated me too much. I was trapped in the bottleneck for many years, and finally after I resigned from the position of Generalissimo, I suddenly realized, broke through the bottleneck, and became a third-level spiritual master.

I am a water-type spiritual master, but he is a gold-type spiritual master.Although the strength is one level higher than mine, water overcomes gold.It is still unknown who will win the battle. "

Huangfu Gongchen and Hua Yukun's faces brightened at the moment.

"Good! Good! Good!!!" Huangfu Gongchen said good three times.

At this moment, he was in a good mood, and the previous decadence and mortal intentions were gone.

Hua Yukun also quickly "followed" Huangfu Gongchen weakly.

When Huangfu Gongchen stepped back suddenly, he almost bumped into him.

Originally wanted to scold him, but seeing that he was covered in blood and messed up, he finally let out a cold snort and flew to Hua Lixiao's side.

"Qianqiu, don't worry, I will definitely protect Xiao'er."

Hua Lixiao was the only one who watched the play from beginning to end.

Because she knew that Gu Qianchou belonged to the restriction, and also knew that the so-called Lei Lingzun was just Gu Qianchou's avatar who had just cultivated.

While marveling that Gu Qianchou could win the Best Actor Oscar and Best Director Oscar, he also wanted to see how he would fight against himself.

(End of this chapter)

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