My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 971 Gu Chou, Swear

Chapter 971 Gu Qianchou, swear

Why do you suddenly have a bad feeling?
Sure enough, Hua Yukun looked at Gu Qianchou, and said with a super nice attitude: "Marshal Gu, I have been displeased with you before, and I made some baseless guesses, so I decided that you are Lei Lingzun, and that's why I'm behind you!" It was my fault to keep framing you, I'm sorry.

Later, as time passed, we became more and more certain about this guess, so we kept placing women in your backyard, including Xiao'er, who also swore to be loyal to Huafu with Lei Jie.Fortunately, when Xiao'er swore her allegiance to Huafu instead of me, she really fell in love with you later, and after becoming your person, she did not suffer from robbery.This is my fault, sorry, I will never do this kind of thing again.

After that, it was time for the palace banquet.Even though you had sworn by Lei Jie at that time, I was still unwilling to let go. Even later, in order to prove that it was possible without you, I went to Meng Qisheng and recommended him to be the Generalissimo.Let a person who doesn't know how to train and lead troops challenge the field army in order to make military achievements that you have never made.

All of this was instigated by me and done by me, and has nothing to do with Dijun.In fact, Dijun has always regarded you as a brother. He is just more proud of others, so he wants you to show his loyalty to him.But because you didn't make it clear, he suspected you at my instigation.

Marshal Gu, Dijun is actually a very good person, a very good king.After what happened today, I also know that Dijun cannot live without you.So... Although it is very shameless, I still ask you to make a vow of thunder and tribulation with the emperor.

The content is that you will always be loyal to the emperor, and you will never have second thoughts about him.If he dies, you will die too.In this way, the emperor can rest assured to hand over the soldier talisman to you.In fact, you don't know, the emperor has always wanted to hand over the soldier talisman to you. "

"Bastard!" Huangfu Gongchen was furious, and shouted: "Who wants you to help me say this? Do you think the thunder robbery oath is useful? Didn't you also make the thunder robbery oath in front of me? But when I Did you help me when I was really in trouble? Did you protect me with your life?

Not only did you not help me or protect me, but you dragged me back again and again.Why didn't you get struck to death by Thunder Calamity?
On the contrary, it is Qianqiu!He never promised me anything lightly, let alone made any oath of lightning to me.But when the danger really came, he was willing to exchange his life for my chance of survival.Such a person, how dare you let him set up a thunder disaster?Who do you take me for? "

"Emperor, I know that I'm not doing well enough, no, it's not doing well. Because I'm timid and afraid of death, I almost ruined the emperor's important affairs several times today.

But Marshal Gu is all right?Did Dijun forget that when he was the Generalissimo, you asked him to do several things, because he said that was not good, so he refused to accept orders, and would rather be punished?Don't you think this kind of thing won't happen in the future?
You have always remembered Marshal Gu in your heart, but because of your brotherhood, you couldn't bear to speak.Then let this villain be a humble minister.Anyway, in Marshal Gu's heart, the humble minister is already the ultimate scumbag.Now Marshal Gu can't kill Weichen, so Weichen dared to threaten Xiao'er's life——

(End of this chapter)

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