Chapter 977

"Why, you dare not go to the stage of life and death, but dare to come to this uninhabited place to provoke me. Are you not afraid that I will kill you all and bury them all in the wilderness?"

The person who came was none other than because he fell in love with her and Xiao Chen'er's cultivation cheats and wanted to snatch her, so he sent someone to Xuanling Peak to intercept her but failed, and someone sent someone to fight her in the arena of life and death, but it turned out Guo Xu, the son of Guo Wei, the master of Xuantian Peak who was killed.

Ling Tian really wanted to ask: Did your father die on New Year's Eve?

Before dying, she begged her to let Guo Xu go, but Guo Xu came to provoke him on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Ling Tian's words made the other three laugh.

"Hu Ge, you are joking! Not to mention that you are only a fifth-level warrior of the Orange Spirit King, and you are not my opponent at all. Even if your spirit weapon has the inscription pattern of leapfrog killing enemies, don't you Can you still kill the green spirit saint warrior?

Take a good look, you should know the person next to me.He is Xiao Ziyuan, the elder of Xuantian Peak's outer sect, and his strength is the fourth level of the Green Spirit Sage.And this..."

After that, Guo Xu smiled and said triumphantly: "This is Wu Yu, the number one elder of my Xuantian Peak's inner sect, and he is a sixth-level warrior of the Green Spirit Sage."

"Since you have no desires, you should have no desires. Why do you have a lot of grades, your hair and beard are all white, and you still want to rob other people's things. Even if you have a life to rob, can you have a life to study and advance to the height of the Qingling Emperor?

When you are old, you should stay at home to enjoy your life, why follow others out to do some sneaky things?If you can't pretend to be coercive, you'll get caught...Grandpa, can your old chrysanthemum hhh with arteriosclerosis withstand the stimulation? "

Everyone: "..."

"Hahahaha..." Ye Chuchen couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Xiao Tian'er's venomous tongue is simply unbearable.


Wu Yu was already old, and he was respected by others on weekdays, but this was the first time he was pointed at his nose and scolded like this.

Although I don't know what arteriosclerosis and chrysanthemum hhh are, it is certainly not a good word.

At least he can understand the meaning of the phrase "If you can't pretend, you will be fooled."

"Yellow-mouthed child, if you don't learn well at such a young age, you will still be sharp-tongued when you are about to die. If you are sensible, hand over your martial arts cheats, and we can still..."

"Leave me with a whole body, or I will have no bones left, right?"

Ling Tian was numb to this sentence, Xiao Ziyuan hadn't finished speaking, she had already helped her to say the last half of the sentence.

"It's your acquaintance."

"It's not that I know, but since I came to this world, all the people who tried to get something from me have said so. I have a good memory, so I can already recite this kind of words."

"Then why don't you hand over the things quickly, lest we do it." Xiao Ziyuan shouted from the side.

"Xiao Ziyuan, your mother raised the placenta in her belly to conceive you, right? Why are you so out of your mind? Can you still have a pleasant conversation?

My little song means that he has heard so many people say this sentence, but now the thing is still on her body, so if you think about it, where are the mentally retarded people who said these words gone now? "

Ye Chuchen couldn't take it anymore, stood up and complained.

This sentence directly smoked Xiaozi's source of energy.

"Ye Chuchen, don't think that you are the emperor with the purest blood in the Qinglong Empire so far, so I dare not kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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