My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 979 You exposed it yourself!

Chapter 979 You exposed it yourself!

That green dragon is clearly just a sword intent emanating from Xiao Ziyuan's sword, but who will tell her why when the green dragon saw the golden dragon roaring out, it--

Did it brake in the air?

The ferocious green dragon that opened its mouth to attack her originally drew a 15-meter-long braking track (white smoke) in the void the moment it saw the golden dragon. The next moment, its scales exploded and it turned around. He ran towards Xiao Ziyuan.

And the golden dragon let out an ear-splitting dragon chant from behind, while taking advantage of the victory to pursue.

Seeing that the green dragon had arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, Elder Xiao didn't understand what the problem was.

He never knew that the dragon sent out by the subduing dragon palm could still turn around!
So what should he do now?
Should I avoid it, or should I take back this sword intent?
But he won't take back the sword intent, hey!
At the last moment, Xiao Ziyuan could only dodge to avoid it.

The moment he evaded, the golden dragon chased after the green little dragon and devoured it in one bite.

At the moment when the golden dragon devoured the green dragon, why did Ye Chuchen feel that the spiritual power in his body had increased by a little bit?
Although it was only a small loss, she clearly felt it.

So, will all the things swallowed by the golden dragon be fed back to her body?

Conservation of energy?

Before the matter was over, something that left everyone dumbfounded happened.

The golden dragon seemed to have spiritual wisdom. After devouring the green dragon, it let out another dragon cry, and quickly moved towards Xiao Ziyuan with the terrifying dragon pressure.

"My mother!"

Xiao Ziyuan shouted in fright, and flew away.

Unexpectedly, he was fast, Jinlong was even faster, he caught up with Xiao Ziyuan in a second thought, and then hit him in the back.


With a bang, the golden dragon exploded.

Xiao Ziyuan was also staggered forward by the impact and explosion for more than ten meters before barely stopping.

The whole place was dead silent.

Ling Tian's eyes sparkled when he looked at Ye Chuchen.

"Xiao Chen'er, you are so handsome!"

Only then did Ye Chuchen recover from the bewildering shock.

Although she didn't even figure out what was going on with Sanyue Fat, Miss Ye smiled slightly and shook her head under the yelling of Ling Tian's brainless fans: "Where is it, everyone is laughing. I can't talk about being handsome. , but my motto in life can be shared with everyone. That is—pretend to be a coward, and let others have nothing to pretend to be!"

"Pfft...cough cough cough cough cough..."

Xiao Yu has been by the side and resisted not to speak, after all, she is a person who strives to be the little maid behind the son.

But Miss Ye was so funny that she couldn't hold back, and the saliva came out of her nasal cavity laughing, so it's no wonder she laughed.

Emma, ​​choked her to death.

"Miss, you are so handsome!" Mu Hun couldn't help but also yelled.

"Damn mentally retarded, you call me a lady, don't they know that I am a woman?"

Originally, Mu Hun's yell did not arouse the shock of the other three, but when Ye Chuchen yelled, the three of them were shocked in a long reflex arc, and shouted at the same time: "Why are you a woman?"

"Hey, I didn't expose you, it was you who exposed yourself."

Ye Chuchen: "..."

In the eyes of a group of mentally retarded, geniuses are mentally retarded.The ancients never deceived me.

What should I do if I want to buy a piece of tofu?

"The Azure Dragon Empire is so brave, it dared to deceive the gods!"

 Buildings: As of the deadline, the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors counting from bottom to top are the winning floors.It is valid for disciples and above, but it is invalid for repeated building.

(End of this chapter)

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