Chapter 993 Big!
"So, these stairs should have been built with the efforts of Emperor Dongzhou and Emperor Beizhou. It doesn't mean that the underground palace has always been underground."

Only then did Ye Chuchen realize that he had scolded and typed wrongly, and glanced at Mu Hun, who was holding her hand, and asked, "Did your head hurt?"

Mu Hun showed an extremely charming and clear smile and said: "My lady said before that beating means kissing and scolding is love, and when a lady beats and scolds me, she loves me. So it's fine if she hits me casually, as long as she is happy."

Ye Chuchen: "..." Nima, if you don't tease me, you will die?Flip the table!
Ling Tian: "..." According to her guess, the Qinglong's blood is definitely not as pure as her Phoenix's.Visually, this Qinglong has the mixed blood of Xiaotiangou, or else his lower body constellation is the constellation of Tengu!

Everyone: "..." To Qinglong's words, everyone was speechless.

Finally, after another cup of tea, a... no, a majestic palace appeared in front of him.

Even though Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen had already seen the palaces of those dynasties, and even heard Di Wushang talk about the imperial palaces of the five continents, they were still stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"so big!"

Ye Chuchen, Ling Tian and Xiao Yu yelled in unison.

Huang Yi had already been so shocked by the Qinglong incident that he became somewhat immune, but flying above this underground palace, looking at the imperial palace that could be described as endless at a glance, Huang Yi was still ruthlessly beaten. shocked.

Looking at the brilliance in Ye Chuchen's eyes, a gentle smile flashed in the depths of Mu Hun's eyes, and then he opened his mouth wide and let out a "wow".

Ye Chuchen looked at Mu Hun, eyes full of depression: "Tell me, why couldn't I meet you 500 years ago? If I could meet you 500 years ago, this luxurious and magnificent palace would be mine! "

Nima, it turns out that her stupid dragon used to be so intelligent and owned such a big palace.

"My lady, don't be discouraged. Since you like it, I will definitely build a bigger palace for you in the future."

Ye Chuchen curled his lips: "At a glance, this palace is comparable in size to the imperial city of the Azure Dragon Empire. Can I expect you, a mentally handicapped man, to build such a large palace for me?"

Feng Heng couldn't help but spoke again: "Miss Ye, the reason why this empire is named Qinglong Empire is precisely because the palace of Qinglong Venerable used to be the base of this empire. The imperial city is only a hundredth of the Qinglong Palace. It's just big or small. In fact, this palace has captured the territory of the entire Azure Dragon Empire.

Back then, the four great beasts were brothers and sisters, so the palaces were all close together.The palace of Qinglong Zun was built next to the palace of Baihu Zun, so now the Qinglong Empire is next to the White Tiger Empire. "

Everyone: "...!!!"

She thought Ye Chuchen was going to complain again that the blind rich man had become a penniless poor man, but after listening to Feng Heng's words, Ye Chuchen let out a sigh of relief and looked at Mu Hun.

Mu Hun immediately raised his hand and promised: "Lady, no matter how big it is, I promise to build you a bigger one in the future!"

"No, no, no, you're still fine."

"...Miss, you look down on me..." Mu Hun said aggrievedly.

"No, no, no!" Ye Chuchen said very seriously, "If it's just a house as big as the Qinglong Empire's palace, I really want it."

(End of this chapter)

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