Grass bag evil phoenix dance for nine days

Chapter 2103 Anti-sky Function 6

Chapter 2103 Anti-sky Function 6
Ice Flame King was startled and said, "You mean my boss is already a human being?"

Xiao Shuang nodded in his surprised and confused silver eyes.

Fan Tianluo was dumbfounded, the matter was so mysterious that she couldn't even consume it all at once.

"It's not like you have no abilities, so you have to start practicing again? What if someone kills you?" Little Bodhi's question is much more special.

"You idiot!" Xiao Shuang exclaimed angrily, "Becoming a human doesn't mean losing all your abilities. On the contrary, the Buddha Flame King will become a leader in cultivating fire elements. His cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary people, and he There must be a life-saving treasure left to him with great power."

"It's been 1 years now, and the Buddha Flame King has cultivated so fast, so he should have become great and capable of ascension, right?" Little Bodhi asked again, and the question was very reasonable.

"Where is it! The Buddha Flame King seems to have only come up for three or four thousand years!" Xiao Shuang put his hands on his waist angrily and said, "Can you stop interrupting."

Little Bodhi immediately pouted his mouth in grievance, Fan Tianluo picked him up and patted his big head, it was extremely funny.

"It's true that the boss has not been here for a long time." Ice Flame King nodded, "I don't know where he is now after he became a human?"

"At Jade Immortal Gate, Da Neng asked him to go to Jade Immortal Gate after his ascension, as if to say that his chance is there." Xiao Shuang tilted her head.

"Bixian Gate!" Fan Tianluo exclaimed suddenly, and looked at Xiao Bodhi in blank dismay.

But Bingyan King didn't know that Mo Xingchen became a phantom just like him, and needed to go to Bixianmen to find out about Linglongxin, so he looked at Fantianluo in confusion.

"It's a long story. I'll go to Xingchen and the others first, little Bodhi, and you should explain the matter to Bingyan King and Xiaoshuang." Fan Tianluo thought for a while.

"Okay." Little Bodhi nodded, "But Xiao Shuang, do you know what miracles exist in this dense forest?"

"How would I know that my sister and I could still be bullied like this?" Xiao Shuang was also a little skeptical about the old proverb of the Ice Flame King.

The Ice Flame King smiled and said: "The old proverbs are generally correct, but maybe you haven't noticed it yet."

Xiao Shuang frowned, and began to wonder what was so special about this dense forest.

"In the past, there were indeed many treasures here, and Da Neng left behind a lot of weapons, but none of them were miracles, they were just things he used before, and they were picked up by humans after they came in for training. Of course, some humans didn't I found out, but I really don't see what is a miracle." Xiao Shuang said seriously.

Little Bodhi's eyes lit up and said: "You said there are still things that haven't been picked up? Where are they?"

"In the depths of the dense forest, there are fierce beasts there. You'd better stop dreaming, unless Sister Fan is very strong." Xiaoshuang rolled her eyes with big eyes.

"Well, I'm afraid that my sister's strength is at the third level of the Super Mysterious God, but she is a fellow practitioner of five elements, and her combat power is at the fifth level of the Super Mysterious God. In addition, she still has a lot of cards, and there is also Star Boy, a light and dark dual element body, to deal with a The eighth level of Super Mysterious God should be fine." Little Bodhi was afraid that she would underestimate her, so she kept talking higher and higher.

Xiao Shuang's eyes widened and he said angrily: "The Super Mysterious God is useless! The beasts there are all of the supreme level!"

"Damn! So strong?" Little Bodhi jumped up.

"It's good for me to lie to you. In fact, I also want to go in and have a look. I always feel that there is something inside, but I don't dare." Xiao Shuang sniffed.

"Maybe it's a miracle." Ice Flame King interjected.

(End of this chapter)

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