Chapter 324 Melee Combat 1
Fan Tianluo slapped her thigh and laughed, "Xing Chen, don't brag. His Royal Highness has five-core weapons. Although you have monsters and quad-core weapons, they are actually similar. Your Highness, do you still compare?"

Huang Yurui frowned and pondered for a moment, then looked at Mo Xingchen's arrogant look and said, "Is your weapon a quad-core?" He didn't want to be fooled again.

With a flash of silver light in Mo Xingchen's hand, the sickle of life and death appeared in front of everyone, and Qi Juan exclaimed in shock. There seemed to be black light flowing on the sickle, and it was bigger than his whole body. It looked really scary, as if it was hooked out with a knife , can reap human life.

"Good weapon!" Huang Yurui narrowed his eyes and praised.

"It's worse than yours." Mo Xingchen admitted very generously. Although his life and death scythe is really good, but it only has four cores inlaid, its power is naturally not as powerful as Huang Yurui's Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Huang Yurui grinned and said, "What level is a monster?"

"You are so careful!" Mo Xingchen also smiled, a green light flashed, and a huge green dragon and double-winged tiger appeared in the open space below the second floor, and raised its head to look at the owner above.

"A flying monster! Brother Huang, don't compare. Even if you are stronger than him, you can't win if he flies away. It's not fair!" the Ninth Prince said hastily.

Huang Yurui frowned, he also knew about this problem, but Fan Tianluo said: "Xingchen, put away the monsters and weapons first."

Mo Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what it meant, but he still put them away.

Fan Tianluo looked at Huang Yurui and said, "If you two use all your strength, I guess it's evenly matched. Neither of you can win the other. Therefore, the best way to fight is that neither of you can use your fighting spirit or spiritual power. How about hand-to-hand combat?"

"What!" the two men said in surprise.

"Men fight in hand-to-hand combat. They are quite powerful, and they look good when they fight! We usually see too many practitioners fighting in the ring, and it is really rare to see real fists and feet facing each other. You should exercise your body! You punch each other, and you really fight. How enjoyable it is to be on the other side's body!" Fan Tianluo encouraged, but in her heart she fancied the two handsome guys fighting hand-to-hand, it must be very eye-catching, hehe.

"That's a good idea, Brother Huang, you can beat him!" The Ninth Prince immediately agreed, mainly because Huang Yurui was one year older than Mo Xingchen and slightly taller.

"I have no objection!" The corner of Mo Xingchen's mouth curled into a wicked smile, and he wanted to punch Huang Yurui's handsome face.

"So confident? Have you ever practiced?" Huang Yurui was a little scared by Brahma.

Mo Xingchen raised his eyebrows and said: "Everyone knows that King Wu is physically stronger than King Ling, but I often practiced in the woods when I was young, and I also have some experience in fighting, so I'm not afraid of you! Do you want to play?"

Huang Yurui knew that an arrogant and arrogant person like Mo Xingchen would not bother to lie, so he could fight him, nodded and said: "Okay! Let's have a scoundrel fight!"

"Yeah, let's bet, let's gamble!" Fan Tianluo applauded excitedly, and then said to Mo Xingchen, "Xingchen, I can help you hold the stage, don't let me lose money!"

Mo Xingchen looked at her with contempt. She didn't get the money from Jiang Hongying. That woman is the proprietress of Fengyun Building. There are nearly 500 million gold coins in the ring. To her, [-] is just a drop in the bucket.

When Huang Yurui heard what Fantianluo said, his confidence increased greatly. He thought that he would be put on the same side again, but now it seems that Fantianluo should be fair. Why don't you get the place back this time?

(End of this chapter)

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