Grass bag evil phoenix dance for nine days

Chapter 374 Goodbye Yun Jun 1

Chapter 374 Goodbye Yun Jun 1
Not long after, a group of people came quickly from the grand gate of the city mansion, the leader was the city lord Sima Qing, and beside him was the smiling Sima Huangyu in a red robe.

"Little Luo, why are you here!" Sima Huangyu exclaimed in surprise when she saw Fan Tianluo's white figure that was as refined as a fairy.

"Huang Yu, don't be rude." Sima Qing sternly scolded Sima Huang Yu. On this continent, the strong are always respected. With Fan Tianluo's current strength and her status as a king-grade alchemist, even Sima Qing should be scruples.

"Master City Master, it's fine, Huang Yu and I are good friends." Fan Tianluo has also gotten used to the adoration and fear in other people's eyes when they look at monsters, but she doesn't like everyone, especially between friends.

"Father, what's the relationship between me and Xiaoluo? There's no need to be so restrained." Sima Huangyu pursed her lips, and immediately smiled, "Xiaoluo, come in quickly, I originally wanted to play with you, but Yun Brother Jun is injured, I have to enlighten him."

"Yunjun?" Fan Tianluo immediately thought of the handsome and indifferent handsome seven-star warrior in black three years ago.

"That's right, don't you remember? That time we were injured by an old man in Zhenbei, you were the one who saved us." Sima Huangyu thought she didn't remember.

"I remember, for a piece of black jade pendant, how could he be injured?" Fan Tianluo was extremely surprised.

Sima Huangyu and her walked and chatted, Sima Qing walked aside with a smile on his face, the more he watched, the more he felt that it would be great for Fan Tianluo to be his daughter-in-law, but considering the difference in strength between Huang Yu and her, she might not necessarily look at her. Being able to get his own son, he smiled wryly at the thought of this, how could he have thought that Fan Tianluo's talent was so heaven-defying!
"Didn't we go to the imperial capital together three years ago? We stayed at the Holy Academy, and he was looking for his relatives in the imperial city. Because he got some clues from the old man, he found a temple called 'Nafo Temple' , there were only three people inside, and he felt weird when he heard that these three people were mysterious. Father, he was hunted down all the way after he was discovered, but luckily he had an energy jade token given to him by his father, and instead he killed two people, but he was also seriously injured when he was bounced back." Sima Huangyu was very sad , "I heard from the doctor that he hurt his dantian. I'm afraid he won't be able to practice in the future. Brother Yunjun is in good health after he comes back, but not being able to practice has hit him too hard. He is depressed all day long. I feel sorry for him."

"So serious?" Fan Tianluo was shocked.

Sima Qing suddenly joined in and said: "The energy jade tablet I gave him was actually given to me by his father. His father was a powerful man of the holy rank back then, so his strength is naturally not small. Hey, this child is really suffering."

Fan Tianluo frowned tightly, it seems that Yun Jun's father is not an ordinary person either.

"I know some medical skills, let me see." Fan Tianluo suddenly thought about it.

Sima Huangyu immediately nodded happily: "Even if he can't heal his dantian injury, it's good to persuade him."

A while later, Sima Huangyu brought Fantianluo to an elegant courtyard in the northeast corner of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Brother Yunjun, look who has come to see you." Sima Huangyu happily shouted to the inside.

"Master, I really don't want to see anyone." Yun Jun's voice seemed to have changed a lot from before, with a lifeless feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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