Chapter 378 Holy Treasure 1
"Then what about your mother?" Fan Tianluo frowned and asked, she never thought that Yun Jun's father was actually a disciple of Demon Yin Sect.

Yun Jun sighed: "My mother seems to be the daughter of an elder from the Demon Yin Sect. The thing my father stole was stolen by my mother. I think it should be this piece of black jade, but I don't know why my father would steal it. Shall I take it out too?" Yun Jun took out the piece of black jade on his chest.

Originally, there was only half a piece of jade, but this time it was complete. I think Yun Jun had already snatched the half piece from the old man.

"These lines seem a bit strange, but I can't understand them." Yun Jun scratched his head, and handed the jade to Fan Tianluo generously.

Fan Tianluo took it over and took a look. At this moment, the jade was in a ring shape. It was spliced ​​together by Yun Jun with some materials, and there were some strange lines on it.

Fan Tianluo suddenly found that the material was similar to jade, but it didn't seem to be jade, so she couldn't help rubbing her hands back and forth, but the thing still didn't respond.Those lines looked distorted, and the more she looked at them, the more mysterious they seemed, which made her a little dizzy.

"These lines are weird." Fan Tianluo immediately moved his eyes away from those lines.

"Yes, I felt dizzy when I saw it before, but what exactly is this jade, why did my father try his best to steal it?" Yun Jun was very anxious when he said this, he didn't understand too much.

Why did the father do such a thing, why did he take him out as a baby, mother?How is she doing now, where is the Demon Yin Gate?
"I don't think this is made of jade, brother Yunjun, I have a feeling that this thing may be a treasure." Fan Tianluo had this premonition in her heart.

"Treasure? What is it?" Yun Jun obviously had no contact with higher level things.

Fan Tianluo smiled slightly, and took out something from her silver cup. Yun Jun saw that it was a small model of a room. It was gray-brown and looked only as big as a teapot. The room was clearly divided, with a living room and a living room. There are two inner chambers, and there are many mysterious lines on the outer walls.

"Xiaoluo, could this be the sacred treasure that Tianluomen rewarded you?" Sima Huangyu asked in surprise.

Fan Tianluo nodded and said: "That's right, what you are seeing now is a model of a house, but it will grow bigger if you inject energy into it, but I am not strong enough now, so I can only make it bigger." A blue light shot out from above and shot into the model of the house.

Suddenly the house model flew out of Fantianluo's palm, and the mysterious patterns around it emitted silver light, which slowly expanded, surrounded by silver light, constantly expanding.

Yun Jun and Sima Huangyu were already dumbfounded at this moment, as if they were struck by lightning.

When the house swelled to the height of Fan Tianluo, the silver light dimmed, and it seemed that there was no power to expand it anymore, but it was already quite large, and three rooms could accommodate three people.

"Oh my god, it's amazing." Although Sima Huangyu had heard about the treasure in the final qualifying competition of the academy, he had never seen it before, not even his father had such a treasure.

"If I activate this treasure when I reach the holy stage, it will be bigger than your room." Fantianluo was a little proud. When she and Mu Yu went to Tianluomen to collect the prize, she thought that she would go to Longguwu University soon. Pingyuan, there is probably no place to live in that place, so I chose this treasure.

At that time, Mu Yu chose a small sword that was only three inches long, but once activated, this sword can become ten feet long and can fly in the air, that is, it can fly with the sword. Of course, it depends on Mu Yu's strength. How long to push.

The two of them also got a Holy Pill for each of them, but Fantianluo won No.1, and the academy had already rewarded a Holy Pill, so she asked for a volume of low-level Holy Spirit combat skills in exchange.

PS: Ten thousand updates in a row, Xiangxiang is exhausted, 8 updates today, no more updates after posting together. (Tencent chapters are 8000 words per chapter, which is [-] words).Those who are too slow can take care of it and read it later. After all, the words need to be coded one by one. It takes a whole day for [-] words.

As for those who want to watch the finale quickly, Xiang can only tell you in advance that the ending is that the hero and heroine will be together happily.After all, Xiang himself doesn't know how much this article will be written, so he can't give the correct answer, so don't rush it.

By the way, what you are looking at now is the eight chapter update on the 19th, which is scheduled to be released at 0:19, which is the earliest time on the [-]th.

Finally, those who like it, please continue to support and recommend it.If you don't like it, just detour and find the book you like. Hello, me, hello, everyone, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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