Grass bag evil phoenix dance for nine days

Chapter 380 Rejecting Phoenix Feather 1

Chapter 380 Rejecting Phoenix Feather 1
Sima Huangyu was also taken aback and said, "You won't be able to find out?"

"If you say they are the Devil's Shadow Gate, and you care so much about your father, you will be found sooner or later. You are not safe here." Fan Tianluo had a bad feeling that the Devil's Shadow Gate was too terrifying, and the means were everywhere. The old man in black had been dead for three years, and they must have thought of something wrong.

Yun Jun and Sima Huangyu looked at each other, Yun Jun said anxiously: "Then what should I do? Get out of here? Otherwise, the city lord will suffer."

"How about this, you go to the Brahma Mansion in the imperial capital, where there is Tianluomen protection, and now the whole Dongxun country is very vigilant against the Moyinmen, they don't dare to be too arrogant, and I know you still want to find out Regarding your parents' affairs, maybe going there will be more helpful to you, and I will ask Sister Xu Ying to help you a lot." Fan Tianluo also does not want Duyan City to attract people from the Demon Yin Sect, as long as they can't find Yunjun, It would not be a big fanfare against Duyanmen.

Yun Jun nodded without thinking, "I originally wanted to come back to heal my wounds before going to the imperial capital. I must find out about my parents."

"I'll go too!" Sima Huangyu said suddenly.

Yun Jun was startled and said, "Young master, don't be joking. The city lord has been worried about you for three years, and you still have to leave? You are already eighteen. It's time to start a family and help the city lord."

Fan Tianluo nodded and said: "Huang Yu, brother Yunjun is right, you are here to help your father, and our Fan family, I also hope that you can help me take care of it, I don't know how many years it will be until I go. Will be back."

Sima Huangyu's expression turned ugly and he said, "You, are you really going to that dangerous place?"

"You also know about my master. As a disciple, this is my responsibility. My life and death are unpredictable. I hope you can help me take care of the Fan family. I am grateful." Fan Tianluo said seriously.

"Yes, yes, but my father went to your house to propose marriage!" Sima Huangyu was about to cry.

Fan Tianluo smiled dumbly and said: "Huang Yu, I have always regarded you as a good friend. It would be too inappropriate for you and me to become husband and wife, but thank you for liking me so much. You should pass on the seed for the Sima family earlier."

Sima Huangyu's face was pale, and Yun Jun felt distressed when he saw him, so he walked over and put his arms around his shoulder and patted him.

"It's Mo Xingchen, isn't it?" Sima Huangyu was extremely sad. He had a premonition that the distance between himself and Fan Tianluo would be getting farther and farther. Who could say that his talent is so bad.

Fan Tianluo stared at her eyes and said: "None of his business! Stop talking nonsense, and he doesn't know how to talk about relationships. We all have too much to do, and there are dangers anytime, anywhere. Isn't it harmful to talk about relationships."

Sima Huangyu didn't speak, she lowered her head very sad, Yun Jun could only sigh, looked at Fan Tianluo's resolute little face, thinking that her heart was too high and too far away, how could the young master match up with an ordinary man like himself Well, watching her from a distance is already a kind of happiness.

"I, if I go with you, will you think I'm a burden?" Sima Huangyu suddenly looked up at her.

"Where do you want to go! Everyone has their own responsibilities, and your responsibilities are in Duyan City. Your father raised you so much. Do you want to abandon your parents because of a woman? You are still not human! A man, man, are you still afraid that there will be no women? If you really do this, I despise you!" Fan Tianluo suddenly turned his face, because she knew that if she didn't explain it clearly to him, and if she didn't hit him harder, she would only hurt this little girl. man.

(End of this chapter)

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