Chapter 391

"That's why our Leiba Group was cheated by you before, and now you are not allowed to cheat again! Take out [-] gold coins, and pay back the tent money of [-] gold coins!" Yang Li actually put the map into his arms A plug.

"Your Excellency, the map is already ours, please return it to us." Huang Yurui said in a good temper for the last time. In fact, his handsome face was already dark, let alone Mo Xingchen and Mu Yu, it was just Fantianluo. Standing in front of them, so also respect what she means.

"Little bastard, are you annoying by chirping, get out!" Yang Li immediately stared with a fierce look.

Fan Tianluo was looking down at the small book in her hand. After flipping two pages, she saw the Leiba Mercenary Group, which was actually one of the three high-level mercenary groups. Sitting in the town, and this Yang Li is the captain of the No.15 team of the Leiba Mercenary Group, and their team actually has 500 people. There seemed to be dozens of captains.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, it can be seen how powerful the Leiba mercenary group is.

"Go away!" Yang Li roared again when he saw that the four of them were not moving.

Fan Tianluo finally raised her head, and the three men at the back also breathed a sigh of relief. Without her order, the three men did not dare to move around, lest the little aunt would get mad and it would be a headache for them.

"Noisy!" Fan Tianluo glanced at Yang Li coldly, and said these two words out of her red and attractive mouth, "What are you three doing standing around? Why don't you throw this kind of garbage out, by the way , get the map back, and our mental damage fee!"

The people inside and outside the room were all stunned for a moment, thinking that their ears had heard wrong, what did the little girl say?Want to throw Yang Li out?This guy is famous in the mercenary world for being fierce and tyrannical, and there is no good fruit for offending him.

"Yes, little aunt!" Mo Xingchen laughed immediately, Huang Yurui also rolled up his sleeves, and Mu Yu was gearing up, and the three of them walked towards Yang Li at the same time.

"Damn it! It's the other way around!" Yang Li's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he was called trash by a girl and was planning to rob him?

"Looking for death!" The strength of the three men erupted at the same time, and the whole room was filled with blue and rich light. Eggs are gone.

Yang Li in front was impacted by the sudden burst of energy and wanted to resist with his fighting spirit, but he fell directly behind and flew out of the gate. Suddenly there was a wailing sound outside, obviously he was crushed by a large area.

"My God, how is this possible!? Yang Li is a five-star martial king, so, then they are also martial kings? Are they stronger than Yang Li? One is hallucination, hallucination!" Someone screamed like seeing a ghost.

Yang Li got up from the ground, his fierce eyes were full of horror. He didn't detect their strength just now, not because they were ordinary people, but because they were all stronger than him.

A figure rushed in front of him, Yang Li was also a five-star martial king after all, he shouted: "Bold!" and punched the figure.

Huang Yurui snorted coldly, and the huge blue giant palm grabbed his fist, and with a click, an extremely shrill cry pierced the sky, making everyone's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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