Chapter 25

Mr. Jin was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect this "grandfather and grandson" to meet each other so casually.

But I'm also a little happy in my heart, it's always good to be loved by many elders, not to mention that Gan Songbai is a well-known Chinese medicine doctor in the county, with a medical family, and Jing Yunzhao likes medical skills, so there must be no harm.

Things are certain, and things will be much simpler later.

She didn't have to go to class today, so she tidied up the two quilts in the school, and walked directly to the neighborhood Gan Songbai mentioned at night.

Gan Songbai wanted to send her there, but it is said that Gan Songbai had an agreement with his grandson and granddaughter that if it was not a "fee" day, no adults were allowed to disturb her rashly, so he just called to inform him.

The neighborhood is called "Winxin Garden", it's not big, the houses live up to the name, it looks simple and cozy.

The place where she is going to live now is on the fifth floor on the top floor. It is said that there is a small attic attached, which is filled with various flowers and plants. In a few months, the house will definitely be full of fragrance.

Jing Yunzhao went upstairs easily, knocked on the door, and soon a girl in rabbit pajamas opened the door.

"Cousin?" the girl asked.

The corner of Jing Yunzhao's mouth twitched, he was taken aback by this address, but he still nodded his head.

Nodding, she was dragged into the door in an instant, only to hear the girl continue: "My name is Su Chu, I heard from my grandfather that you are two months older than me, so you are my cousin... Cousin is reading in the room, he My name is Gan Jinchen, one year older than us... I missed a grade in elementary school, so I'm in the same class as us! I've heard of you, Jing Yunzhao, we are number 1 in our school!"

Jing Yunzhao was a little surprised, this was the first time someone knew who she was and was so open about it.

Seeing Jing Yunzhao's surprise, Su Chu chattered again: "Grandpa told me, he said that you went to the police station today, and those gangsters have been arrested. It turns out that those rumors have nothing to do with you, although I don't know What happened here, but grandpa is the most accurate judge of people, he can recognize you as his granddaughter, which proves that your character must be fine!"

After Su Chu finished speaking, she stretched her waist, "You live in the room next to me. The room has been cleaned. You should familiarize yourself with the environment first. I'm going to read a book too. Grandpa's exam is only a few days away!"

After finishing speaking, he went back to the house in a hurry.

Jing Yunzhao took a deep breath and observed the house.

The house is not small, about 120 square meters, the kitchen and bathroom are very complete, but the house is a bit messy, all kinds of snacks are placed all over the floor, and there are many miscellaneous books, it is a mess.

Opened her room and liked it too.

The room is facing the sun, the curtains are golden toned, very bright, the bed, bookcase and wardrobe are also complete, I am extremely satisfied.

When she was in Qiao's house before, she lived in the smallest room, and the curtains and vases inside were all cheap things that she bought by herself, otherwise it would not look warm at all.

Simply organize the things you brought, and the house will look more presentable.

After a noisy day, the things I bought during the day have not been sorted out. After locking the door, I went directly into the space.

In the space, several bags were neatly arranged, and the seeds seemed to be more vibrant here.

Holding a small shovel, Jing Yunzhao buried all these seeds in the soil according to the planting steps written in Na Lingyu, and then used the mixed blue spring water to stimulate them, so he continued to study medicine with peace of mind.

When the space time was nearly twelve hours, I saw that those seeds had changed their appearance at this time, revealing their vitality, because the proportion of blue spring water was different, and the maturity was also different, but they all survived successfully!

(End of this chapter)

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