Hold Ye Shao's thick thighs tightly

Chapter 367 The sun is very good, but she can't feel the warmth

Chapter 367 The sun is very good, but she can't feel the warmth

After Cheng Yanqian heard it, he almost immediately thought of the group of special forces who had returned from being infected by the Gu.

There were too many things going on during this time, and I didn't even think about it in that direction.

Moreover, those special forces who have returned have not shown any abnormal behavior so far, as if nothing happened.

Both he and Situ felt a little abnormal. Could it be that they brought private goods into the company?

Because those people all happened in Mengbutuo, so the two incidents were not connected at all before.

After what His Highness said just now, he thought of this almost instantly, and suddenly had a bad premonition!
Looking at Xia Lin, thinking that there is no signal here, "Miss Tang, I'll go out and give Situ a call."

Xia Lin nodded, she was relieved to leave this matter to Cheng Yanqian.

Seeing him leave, it was like a stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground.

For the rest of the day, she can really isolate herself from the outside world and raise her baby with peace of mind.

In less than 10 minutes, there was a knock on the door.

Xia Lin opened the door and saw Aunt Qing and Dr. Su at the door.

As expected, Cheng Yan was very thoughtful in handling affairs, which made people feel at ease.

Mrs. Qing and Dr. Su came in.

Xia Lin sat on the head of the bed and looked at Dr. Su, "From yesterday to today, I have had some pain in my abdomen and have been feeling very uncomfortable."

Dr. Su carefully asked about the symptoms of pain, but he didn't feel very good.

He looked at Xia Lin, "Miss Tang, please lie down."

Mrs. Qing heard this, and helped Xia Lin to lie down.

Doctor Su turned his head.

Aunt Qing took care of Xia Lin, lifted her skirt to expose her belly, covered her legs and key parts with a quilt, and said in a low voice, "Doctor Su, it's alright."

Su Nirvana came over to check.

Because it was twins, I checked for a full half an hour.

During the whole process, Xia Lin was very nervous, looking at Su Nirvana, her breath also froze.

Until Dr. Su looked at her.

She just took a breath, and a pair of blue eyes fixedly looked at Su Nirvana.

Su Nirvana looked at Xia Lin, "Be careful recently, it's best to have someone with you at night, so you can find out immediately if something happens."

After hearing this, Xia Lin became nervous.

She looked at Mrs. Qing.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the people around Ye Sihan are very reassuring.

"Sister Qing, from tonight onwards, you can live with me."

Mrs. Qing said respectfully, "I will definitely try my best to take good care of Miss Tang."

Su Nirvana reminded some precautions and left her.

Xia Lin was lying on the bed, looking at Mrs. Qing, "I read that the post said that you should exercise more during the third trimester of pregnancy, which will help with a smooth delivery."

Mrs. Qing, "Miss Tang, everyone is different. You are too thin."

Xia Lin looked at Mrs. Qing, nodded, went to the balcony, and looked outside.

The sun was shining brightly, but she couldn't feel the warmth.

Since she was a child, she felt that this world was not cute at all, and now she does not love this world, but she loves him.


As soon as Cheng Yan returned to the bedroom, he turned on the anti-monitoring device, and then called Situ, "Now check all the company's product warehouses immediately, if you find the same model as the sniper rifle and bullets that Miss Tang and the captain were attacked in the equestrian hall Yes, destroy it immediately, the first time, be quick."

After hearing this, Situ also realized the seriousness.

Cheng Yankuan rarely spoke in such a tone!

"However, how did those products enter the company? I can't figure it out."

Cheng Yanqian, "Didn't those people who followed Dr. Feng to Mengbutuo didn't do anything? Maybe they had already done it when they came?"

(End of this chapter)

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