The soldier is a girl

106 Chapter 107: Overbearing please eat

106 Chapter 107: Overbearing please eat
Without waiting for Mo Ling to react, he left without waiting, leaving Mo Ling standing alone in the corridor with flickering candles.

The wind in the autumn night did not have the heat of half a day, instead it carried a sense of coolness, but even so, it couldn't blow away the restlessness in Mo Ling's heart.

I don't know if it's because the night is too quiet, Mo Ling's eyes are full of the cold eyes that Mu Jin looked at him when he left during the day, and the words left behind.

Originally, he just thought that this soldier's temper was greatly raised by him, and he refused to say anything, and dared to deliberately fail to complete the task and lose his temper. He thought that this kid's temper should be killed to prevent her from being young and frivolous.

However, Luo Feng's words made him irritated, and he also cared about it.

Luo Hao was the same age as him. He was Luo Feng's son and his lieutenant general, but he died in battle three years ago. The handsome son died just like that. Luo Hao's only wish was to worry about his innocent younger sister. He took on the responsibility, and has always carried it like this, and never felt that there was anything wrong, but today...

Mo Ling suffered from insomnia that night, and the one who suffered from insomnia was that Mu Jin who was living with someone else for the first time.

The treatment in the City Lord's Mansion was good. It was not a Datong bunk that entertained foreign soldiers, but a bunk bed for ten people. In this way, Mu Jin and his party of 45 people occupied five rooms in total.

Hibiscus came at the latest and lived in the last room with only four people.There is nothing wrong with sleeping on the upper and lower bunks, but this night she was so irritable that she couldn't fall asleep...

The next day.

I have to say that Mo Ling's mask can not only cover her appearance, but also her emotions. Even if she can't see any difference after a night of insomnia, Mu Jin is not so lucky. She looks very depressed after a night of insomnia, but she has failed in some tasks The lethargy was not too conspicuous in the past, especially under the backdrop of a dozen other failed people.

Originally, someone else led these people to the city gate, but after a night of insomnia, the person who led the team became Mo Ling.

Of course, the soldiers didn't know that the leader had changed temporarily.

He brought a group of people to the city gate, arranged duties, and ignored them after a while.

A total of ten or so people were divided into three horses, and Hibiscus was assigned to the last horse. The task was to patrol the tower.

Mo Ling officially explained his responsibilities to a few people, and finally, when they were about to turn around in response, Mo Ling said slowly, "Mujin."

"Yes." Mu Jin stood upright and raised her head and chest up. She looked like a standard soldier, so standard that Mo Ling couldn't pick a single mistake, but it was this kind of Mu Jin that was abnormal.

Mu Jin has never been so disciplined since the first day she appeared by his side.

"I'll go back to camp tomorrow. After I'm on duty tonight, this general will make up for the meal that I owe you."

"The general was joking. As a personal soldier, you should do everything for the general. You should not owe anything. The general should not take Mu Jin's jokes to heart. If the general has nothing else to do, Mu Jin will go on patrol."

Listen to this, what an upright and loyal soldier he is, although it is okay to say it from someone else's mouth, but it is not at all okay to say it from Mu Jin's mouth, at least Mo Ling heard it very unpleasant.

"The general will never go back on what he promised." Mo Ling didn't back down, and even unconsciously brought on a bit of oppression and stiffness. Once he finished speaking, he threw up his sleeves and left without giving Mu Jin the slightest chance to refute.

Such Mo Ling Mu Jin just wanted to say one thing, it was really domineering.

Mo Ling had already left, Mu Jin wouldn't drag Mo Ling just for a meal and continued, she still remembered that she was a soldier and the opponent was a general, so it was just a meal, since she wanted to treat her so much, don't let her give it to her. He was devastated. After all, she was a poor woman who couldn't even afford buns. When she saw delicious food, she definitely couldn't control her temper.

(End of this chapter)

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