The soldier is a girl

Chapter 109 110: A little drunk

Chapter 109 110: A little drunk

"Oh." Li Mu wasn't stupid, and didn't ask any more questions, "Then what are you doing now, shopping? Come with us."

Mu Jin stroked her forehead, "Noisy." She pushed aside the crowd and walked forward.

"Boss, have you been drinking?" Li Mu leaned closer to the hibiscus, said a few words to her, and smelled a little alcohol.

"It's just a little sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing." Mu Jin replied indifferently. She remembered that she had a good capacity for drinking, so she wouldn't get drunk by a few cups of sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing, which was similar to fruit wine. "Is there a quiet place?"

"There is a bookstore where I just came. It's quite quiet. I'll take you there." Li Mu waved his hands with the others as he spoke, and then walked along the way he came and went with Mu Jin.

Mu Jin felt more and more dizzy, walking and bumping back and forth in the crowd, so that apart from the hand being held by Li Mu, her free hand spontaneously wrapped around Li Mu's arm.

Li Mu didn't pay much attention to this, everyone was a man, and Mu Jin seemed a little drunk, so it was not surprising to lean on him.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of a person in the dark night, but that person couldn't help shaking the hand in his sleeve, but that person didn't do anything after all.

The book shop is just at the corner of two streets, opposite the book shop is a river, it looks very gentle and elegant.

Perhaps there are not many people buying books, and the surrounding area of ​​this book shop is indeed very clean.

"Are you okay, do you want me to take you back?" Standing on the wide road in front of the Shusi, Li Mu stopped and asked while holding Mu Jin's shoulders with both hands.

"En?" I don't know if it's because Mu Jin didn't recover, or because she was a little drunk and her thoughts were out of control. The moment she raised her head, she revealed the eyes of the young animals that once made Mo Ling lose control, innocent, confused, clean and seductive.

Mu Jin's complexion is dark, so it is easy for people to ignore her facial features, but even so, her eyes are always impossible to ignore, especially when they are shown.

Even Mo Ling couldn't escape this look, let alone Li Mu, a brat who was a little younger than Mo Ling.

Li Mu felt his heart stopped beating.

Someone in the dark night has very good eyesight, good enough to see Mu Jin's animal-like eyes, a little tempted, but more annoyed at her looking at others with such eyes.

However, Mu Jin showed a harmless smile that matched his eyes at this time, "What were you talking about just now?" His voice was not as cold as usual, it sounded soft and sticky, making Li Mu's heart feel like being scratched by a cat.It made the heart of that person in the dark night burn like fire.

The reaction like a cat's scratch made Li Mu let go and jumped several meters away, while Mu Jin, who had no support, just fell down and sat on the ground.

People in the dark night instinctively took a step forward, but stopped after taking a step.

Li Mu quickly realized that Mu Jin was drunk, and after despising his nervousness, he rubbed up again, "Are you all right, are you okay, can you stand up?" hibiscus.

The man in the dark night felt that he wanted to chop off these hands.

Probably because of the pain from falling to the ground, Mu Jin was a little awake, so when she raised her eyes again, she looked normal except that her eyes were a little out of focus, "I'm fine, stay away from me, I'll go back by myself."

Hibiscus' avoidance and refusal let the people in the dark night unconsciously breathe a sigh of relief, not too drunk.

Hibiscus is actually quite wronged. She occasionally forgets that she has changed her body. After all, it is a memory of more than [-] years, so deep-rooted, so she subconsciously thinks that she has a good drinker, who knows that this broken body has some fruit wine Just drunk.

That's not the point, the point is that her behavior when drunk is not very good, strangers are absolutely cold, whoever messes with her will be unlucky, but acquaintances, it's hard to say, she can't predict it herself, but she often does it What is seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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