The soldier is a girl

Chapter 113 114: Another Kiss

Chapter 113 114: Another Kiss

"Shut up." Mu Jin's words touched Mo Ling's back, and he yelled impatiently. If it wasn't for the killers around him, he really wanted to throw people out.

"General, do you think I am drunk or not? Do you think I will remember what happened tonight when I wake up tomorrow? General, do you want me to remember?"

"To shut up."

Because he distractedly yelled at the hibiscus and fought with one hand, Mo Ling accidentally exposed an empty door to the enemy, but Mo Ling's first reaction was to protect the hibiscus in his arms, not his own empty door.

But the imagined pain didn't come, instead, the opponent fell down. Mo Ling's eyes darkened, and he glanced at the man in his arms when he raised his sword to kill the man in black who rushed out from the left.He didn't think the opponent would fall by himself, and he didn't make a move, so it could only be...

Seeing Mo Ling looking over, Mu Jin gave him a big smile, "General, I beat up the bad guy for you, do you want to reward me, not much, just give me another kiss."

Mo Ling's eyesight was very good, so even though the alley was dark, he could still see Mu Jin's dazzling smile.And those words and that laugh really made him unbearable.

"Hijin, do you want to die?"

As he spoke, he threw the person out.

Mu Jin didn't hold Mo Ling tightly, nor did she feel that Mo Ling would throw her out.

Indeed, Mo Ling flicked him and pulled him back. Of course, Mo Ling would not be too idle to intimidate Hibiscus when dealing with the enemy. The flick just now was to avoid hidden weapons, but even so, his Isn't it too much for the little soldier to look confident?

"I want to die with the general! Will the general let me go?" When Mu Jin put her arms around Mo Ling's neck again, Mu Jin answered in all seriousness what Mo Ling had just said to her.

Mo Ling didn't expect such an answer in return for his words of threat, and his heart trembled inexplicably, but this moment was not the time to think about these things.

"If you don't shut up, neither of us need to go back today."

The man in black fell, but kept on fighting.

Probably the assassins knew that Mo Ling was not easy to deal with, so this time they dispatched a lot of people, much more than the last time in the barracks, and they were more agile.

Mo Ling yelled at Mu Jin, seeing that Mu Jin is so well-behaved, he can fight the enemy wholeheartedly, but the opponent has a large number of people, and he is protecting Mu Jin, so he is very restrained, but he dare not abandon Mu Jin, he is afraid of throwing her down She will be torn apart by this pack of wolves.These are professional killers, he doesn't know if Mu Jin is going to deal with them, he dare not bet.

Mu Jin felt Mo Ling's strenuous effort, but he didn't have the slightest intention to let go. Is it because he has a back move or because he is afraid of her getting hurt?
No matter what it is, and whether it's for Mo Ling or herself, Mu Jin feels that if she doesn't take action tonight, she will probably die here, and she will be injured if she doesn't die. She doesn't want to suffer such an innocent disaster.

Her playful eyes gradually turned cold, are her hands going to be stained with blood tonight?

When Mu Jin was about to speak, the situation changed, she felt a lot of breath, but at the same time, a lot of breath disappeared, so someone is helping them?

And she also noticed that the tense breath around Mo Ling's body relaxed, presumably it was reinforcements.

Sure enough, the man in black was slaughtered after a while.

I saw one person kneeling in front of Mo Ling, "Master, the subordinate came down late and the guards were not good enough, please punish."

"Okay, clean up the people." He said and pushed the hibiscus in his arms to the ground, "Send this back to the city lord's mansion safely."

After speaking, he just threw up his sleeves and left without even looking at Mu Jin. He couldn't imagine how much this person cared for Mu Jin before.

What is this, and she is considered an item again.

Mu Jin expressed that she was very unhappy, so she stretched out her hand and tugged at the sleeve of the person who hadn't got up yet, and said, "This brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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