The soldier is a girl

Chapter 116: 117: Schadenfreude

Chapter 116: 117: Schadenfreude

This time Mo Ling did not ride a horse either, but trotted back to the camp with the team.Along the way, Mo Ling didn't even glance at Mu Jin, and Mu Jin didn't even glance at Mo Ling either, the two of them seemed to have made an appointment.

Mu Jin's face was already pale, but when he ran to the camp, his face was pale.

Probably because he knew they were coming back, Bai Ze came out early to welcome them.

He must have looked at Mo Ling at the first glance, as for the second glance, of course he was looking at his taste bud parent Mu Jin, it doesn't matter if he looks at it or not, he was startled when he saw Mu Jin's whole figure seemed to be fished out of the water Same, that's all, after all, after running for so long, what's the matter with this face without a trace of blood?

"Mo Ling, have you abused your own soldiers?" Bai Ze originally wanted to say something else, but when he was about to talk to Mo Ling and caught a glimpse of Mu Jin's face, the words in his mouth suddenly changed to this sentence.

And this sentence made everyone's eyes fall on Mu Jin.

Mo Ling didn't intend to see it at first, but he looked back because of Li Mu's shout, "Mu Jin, are you okay..." Li Mu's shout was a little flustered.

When Mo Ling turned his head, he happened to see Mu Jin's bloodless face.

And this face is blooming with a big smile at the moment: "I'm fine."

However, such a face with such a smile is even more shocking.

"They all dispersed and went to rest." Mo Ling withdrew his gaze from looking at Mu Jin, gave an order, and then walked towards his tent, as if he didn't intend to care about Mu Jin.

After running such a long distance, there are a few who are not tired, so Mo Ling's order, the team that was still neat just now slackened down, and even started to leave in twos and threes.

Others don't know, but Bai Ze knows that Mo Ling is still very protective of Mu Jin, but now seeing Mu Jin's appearance that is not far from death, he just left like this, it is obvious that Mu Jin has provoked him, so Bai Ze's gossip Factors just flooded up.

I saw that he didn't look like a lieutenant general at all, he leaned close to Mu Jin and said in a low voice, "Why did you offend your general? You made it so miserable?"

"Is Lieutenant Bai gloating?" Mu Jin said while walking forward.

Those who don't care about Mujin have almost left, and those who want to care about Mujin see Bai Ze sticking by her side and leave with interest, so soon, the road leading to the inside of the barracks is just walking, except for the patrolling soldiers. Hibiscus, who was very slow, and Bai Ze, who accompanied her.

"How dare you!" Bai Ze said in a begging tone, "I'm just curious, just curious."

"Curious what?"

"I'm curious why Mo Ling didn't care about you. I think he has been protecting you. He is so cruel to you today. You must have offended him. Come, share with your brother how you offended your general." Bai Ze said The appearance of the big bad wolf tricking Little Red Riding Hood.

"Cruel-hearted?" Mu Jin repeated, and then gave a low laugh, "It's quite cruel. But Vice General Bai wants me to share with you so much, is it because he wants to learn how to offend my general next time?"

"Hehe..." Bai Ze laughed dryly, he was either kicked out of his head by a donkey to offend Mo Ling, or he just wanted to know some gossip, to see if there was anything he could use to make fun of Mo Ling.

"Can Lieutenant General Bai do a favor?" Mu Jin ignored Bai Ze's thoughtfulness and pretended not to hear his dry laugh.

"Then you have to tell me how you offended your general."


Hearing this, Bai Ze's eyes lit up, "What do you want to help, it's agreed, I won't do murder and arson."

"I'm not looking for you for murder and arson. I can do it myself. I just want to go to the medicine account and make side medicine for myself so that I can take care of myself quickly. Can Vice-General Bai help me with this?"

(End of this chapter)

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