The soldier is a girl

122 Chapter 123: What's the matter with the disheveled clothes

122 Chapter 123: What's the matter with the disheveled clothes

"Yes, from now on, don't say it's my brother, but say it's my uncle." Seeing Bai Ze's appearance of eating a fly, Hibiscus was so happy that he deliberately stimulated him, "Uncle Bai ..."

With a mouthful of white teeth, Mu Jin smiled brilliantly.

Bai Ze is very self-sufficient and romantic. To put it bluntly, he is a bit narcissistic. Although he is 21 years old, he has not yet married. He is still alone, even a virgin. Now he is said to be an old man. , How could his heart bear it.

"" Bai Ze's face turned pale, and he was speechless for a while.

"Okay, I'm so free, do you still want to practice again?" Mo Ling said suddenly at this time, and his voice was cold, as if there was a chill in it.

Bai Ze gritted a mouthful of silver teeth, it was for Mu Jin, "Little Mu Jin, you wait for my brother, sooner or later my brother will take care of you." He didn't believe that she was sticking to Mo Ling all the time, there was always something wrong with her. When he was single, at that time he would tell her carefully how terrible it was for a man in his prime to be an old man.

After leaving a word, Bai Ze walked away in desperation, there was no other way, he couldn't beat Mo Ling, he was not cowardly, he was aware of current affairs, if he knew that he was invincible and dared to stick his neck up, he would be an idiot.

Mu Jin stuck out her tongue at Bai Ze and made a grimace. After seeing him leave, she let go of Mo Ling's sleeve and walked out from behind Mo Ling, walking towards the bed to continue applying medicine.

"I'm done using it, so I just left?" Mo Ling looked at Mu Jin's back and said suddenly.

Mu Jin's forward steps paused, she was indeed planning to leave after she was done using her, and it wasn't the first time, General, you are so fussy all of a sudden, is it really okay?

Mu Jin turned around and smiled apologetically, "I just think my disheveled clothes are a hindrance, so I'm going to thank the general after I get dressed."

"You still know that your clothes are disheveled." Mo Ling snorted coldly.

Mu Jin choked for a moment, she just made up an excuse casually, no matter what Mo Ling said, it seemed that what she was really wearing really hindered the view.

Thinking about it, Mu Jin lowered her eyes and looked left and right on her body, but she didn't think there was anything wrong.After reading it, he raised his eyes and wanted to say a few words, but saw that Mo Ling had already turned around and walked towards the desk.

Mu Jin rolled her eyes, and then quickly walked to the wooden couch, put on her shoes and socks, and then put on her outer shirt, but she didn't wear a belt, but took the medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, rubbed it to the side of the desk and put the medicine on the desk When he went up, he even knelt down with his back to Mo Ling, and then took off the untied clothes on his body from his shoulders and hung them on his arms. The movement was so fast that it was almost done in one go. At that time, Hibiscus had already knelt in front of him in this half-faded appearance, and even pushed her hair in front of her body, lowering her head slightly to reveal her white and slender neck. Even more alluring in a vest.

"General, I can't reach my back shoulder, please apply the medicine for me."

Mu Jin's words were full of cautious pleadings to please her, but the head bowed with her back to Mo Ling was filled with a fox-like smile. She admitted that she did it on purpose to seduce Mo Ling on purpose, so don't fall for him if you are capable.

Dare to say that she is disheveled, she is disheveled or something.

If you want to ask Mo Ling how he feels at this moment, he just wants to hug Hibiscus from behind and kiss that white and slender neck in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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