The soldier is a girl

Chapter 129 130: Who manipulated you

Chapter 129 130: Who manipulated you

"En." Mo Ling responded lightly, reaching out to pat Luo Lian's head.

Only then did Luo Lian skip and leave contentedly.

Suddenly, only Mo Ling and Mu Jin were left in the corridor of the City Lord's Mansion.

Mo Ling did not speak, but walked all the way to his room in the City Lord's Mansion.Mu Jin didn't say anything, and followed Mo Ling's footsteps.

The water dripping from the coir raincoats of the two left a water stain on the promenade.

Mo Ling took off the coir raincoat and hung it on the corridor, then opened the door and walked into the house.

Mu Jin followed suit and took off her coir raincoat and hung it on the corridor and walked into the house. However, compared to Mo Ling who held her head high, Mu Jin kept her head down, not only making it difficult to see the emotions on her face, but also A sense of loneliness can be seen from the slightly rickety figure.

Mo Ling went to the closet familiarly and found two sets of clothes. He held one set in his hand, and he threw the other set on the chair beside Mu Jin, "I changed it." Throwing it together with the clothes In the past, there were these two extremely blunt words.

"Yes." Mu Jin replied, with a mechanical voice.

When the words fell, he just stood there and reached out to untie the belt around his waist.

"I just forgot to say, I didn't mean not to tell you." Mo Ling, who was holding the clothes, couldn't help opening his mouth when he saw Mu Jin's mechanical appearance.

Is this an explanation?

"Mujin is the general's personal soldier. The general only needs to order Mu Jin to do what he needs, and there is no need to explain it." While speaking, Mu Jin unbuttoned his outer shirt and began to take it off his shoulders. His head was still lowered, making it impossible to see clearly. any emotion.

Seeing that Mu Jin's shoulders had been exposed, Mo Ling swung his sleeves and slammed the half-open door shut with a bang, causing Mu Jin's undressed hand to pause.

"Are you looking like you just need to give orders and don't need to explain?" Mo Ling took a step forward, with oppression in his words.

He hated her thorny appearance the most, which made him very uncomfortable.

Mu Jin seemed to be frightened, her hands trembled, and her wet coat slipped down again, and her foot that took a step back just stepped on the half-hanging clothes on the ground, this step staggered, Mu Jin fell back and sat down On the ground, he looked very embarrassed, but the words he spoke were not at all embarrassed, even with such a stubborn stubbornness, "You are a general, so you will be what you say."

Mo Ling felt that he was amused by Mu Jin, so he bent down and reached out to pinch Mu Jin's chin, forcing her to raise her drooping head to face him, "I don't have a bad temper, but I have a bad temper with this general. Indulge you?"

Mu Jin only felt that her jaw was about to be crushed, and her already unhappy heart became even more unhappy. Her half-drooped eyes were lifted up by Mo Ling's words, and a pair of eyes suddenly bumped into Mo Ling's eyes, hitting Mo Ling's hand After a pause, those eyes made him feel a little helpless.

She obviously didn't say anything, but those eyes were answering, it was you who made me.

The diffracted information made Mo Ling a little annoyed, and annoyed, he directly shook off the hand holding Hibiscus' chin, he didn't want to look into those eyes again.

But after the other party was thrown away, he no longer bowed his head, but just sat on the ground without saying anything, and looked at him with his head half up, with the same eyes as before.

He reached out and picked up the dry clothes on the chair, directly facing Hibiscus and covering her face and body, "Put it on." The words revealed a sense of irritability.

Mo Ling didn't want to talk to Mu Jin anymore, he would be pissed off if this went on.

Thinking about it, he began to reach out to take off his clothes, and left early after changing.

(End of this chapter)

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