The soldier is a girl

Chapter 142: Chapter 143

Chapter 142: Chapter 143

The two armies were at war, and there were constant small battles, almost every now and then.The recruits were not allowed to enter the battlefield until one month later, except for the oolong who came on the first day, this was the first time for these 45 people to actually go to the battlefield, and it could be called the first battle.

Entering the battlefield is not much fancy, the generals of the two armies in front yelled a few words, and then gave an order, the drums were clanging, and the two armies began to fight against each other.

With the sound of shouts and fighting, the air was filled with the smell of blood in just a few breaths.

Every time there is a battle on the battlefield, you will always hear the sound of fighting from a distance in the barracks, but the mood of hearing it from a distance is completely different from being there.

Whether it is those who dare not kill or those who do not want to kill, when the eyes are blurred by the blood, and the fighting spirit is aroused by the drums, everything becomes so smooth, no matter how many thoughts are turned into one sentence at this moment, either you die or I Death.

War is cruel. Even if you know that the other party has no grievances or enmity with you, even if you know that the other party and yourself are just different in position and belief, but you are merciless in wielding the sword and halberd, because either you die or I die.

The so-called formation means that you must not leave the team without authorization to fight for your personal preference, and you must obey the command and follow the instructions.And this is usually a group of people rushing up, so the distance between teammates is inevitably closer.

And this so-called proximity is a good opportunity for some people to assassinate Hibiscus.

It is normal to be surrounded and fought by the enemy on the battlefield, but Mu Jin never thought that she would be surrounded and fought by the people of her own team.

Originally, a group of people rushed to kill the enemy, but when she was about to swing her sword and halberd at the enemy, hidden knives were inserted from her left, right and rear, and the enemy's sword and halberd directly in front of her had already swung head-on. Down.

She is also under attack from all sides.

Mu Jin almost decisively exposed her body to the enemy's swords and halberds. A clear spear is better than a dark sword. Who knows if there is anything unnecessary on it.

The enemy's knife pierced her shoulder, but she took advantage of this gap to switch the position between the man and herself, and then the man was hit by three knives from three directions, and the faces of the three were clear when they turned around It caught Hibiscus' eyes.

Seeing that the assassination failed, the three wanted to escape, but they ignored Mu Jin's fierceness. Mu Jin stepped back decisively and abruptly pulled out the knife and halberd that passed through his shoulders, and then waved his hand as if angry, the knife and halberd Impartiality just killed the man on the left, while Mu Jin shot the dark needle directly on the right.

It is impossible to run after being injured.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, if she hadn't been able to face the blow, she would be the one lying on the ground at this moment.

The one who stabbed the hibiscus from behind reacted very quickly and stood in a good position. After realizing the defeat, he got into the crowd and ran away very quickly, but even so, she still remembered his appearance.

If it hadn't been for Mo Ling's cooperation with the order of the third battalion, if she hadn't wanted to serve as a soldier for three years, he would never have walked out of the battlefield alive today.But it doesn't matter, let him live a few more days.

In this barracks, the person who wants her dead and can make the people in the battalion obey his command, except Wu Hai Mujin, can't think of another person.

The sword has no eyes on the battlefield, she died on the battlefield, who knows who killed her.

It's really good, she doesn't worry about his life, but he always thinks about her, it's really good.

Li Mu happened to be assigned to Mu Jin, and he witnessed the scene of Mu Jin being stabbed and then pulled out fiercely just now. As for those hidden tricks, he didn't see them, but this alone was enough for him to see. .

He beheaded an enemy and rushed to Mu Jin's side, "Boss, is your shoulder okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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