The soldier is a girl

Chapter 223 27: Staff Responsibility 2

Chapter 223 Twenty Seven
"Ling has come out, I can't talk with you anymore, little Mujin, you can wish for your own blessing." Bai Ze stood up after speaking.

"Don't worry about it." After saying that, Mu Jin lay down on her stomach and began to pretend to be dead.

Mo Ling didn't stop for a long time. After a few glances, he withdrew his eyes, and then looked at the group of people who were still fighting, "Have you fought enough?" There was no deliberate growl, just a normal question, but It was such a sentence that made both sides of the fight stop their movements in a daze.

It has to be said that some people are born to be generals, and they don't need to deliberately order, just a casual sentence can control the scene.

"If you haven't played enough, you can continue."

There was no anger, as if they were really allowed to continue, but no one moved.

There was a moment of silence in the atmosphere.

"Since you have fought enough, it's time to change the general."

At this moment, Mo Ling is either domineering or handsome, making Su Yingying's eyes straight.

But the person who should be watching the most is buried in the snow, not knowing what he is thinking.

"White Pond."

"Yes." Bai Ze answered loudly.

"Twenty army sticks per person, let someone execute it immediately."

"Yes." Bai Ze responded and immediately went to find the soldier who was responsible.

Those who participated in the fight glanced at each other hatefully, and then consciously lay down on the snow.

However, there were not only dozens of people who did the fighting, but also seventy or eighty onlookers. They stood very straight and did not intend to get down at all.They see themselves as outsiders all the time.

Mo Ling glanced over, "Everyone get down on the ground, do I need to tell the general a second time?"

"General, we didn't fight, why should we be punished?" Dozens of people who were watched protested with some dissatisfaction.

Mo Ling's eyes flickered, "Since you left with Mu Jin as a whole, if someone made a mistake and all of you were punished, do you still need an explanation from this general?"

So the remaining seventy or eighty people lay down reluctantly, with resentment on their faces.

With such skill, Bai Ze had already summoned the soldiers who were to be executed, and neatly stood where he was supposed to stand.

"Du Heng's rule is not strict, and he is responsible for twenty."

"Yes." Du Heng didn't refuse to accept it, or said he had to accept it and got down on the ground. No matter what he said about today's matter, he couldn't shirk his responsibility.

"Mujin's rule is not strict, and the staff is responsible for twenty."

Mu Jin didn't respond, but looked at Wu Hai, "Wu Jianjun, you just said that soldiers can't question the general, even if the general is wrong, the soldiers can't say it, only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light the lamps. You said that you want to punish the soldiers Come on, let's talk about it together, so we can fight together, so that Xiaobing can finish the pain at once."

"What the prison army means is not to slander the generals. I didn't say that you can't point out any mistakes. Now that Deputy General Du has been punished, what crime does the prison army want to punish you for?"

Wu Hai can be regarded as eating the spit out forcefully. He has no choice but to let the state officials set fires and not allow the people to light the lamps. He has lost a lot of prestige, not to mention the original To protect Du Heng, it is no longer possible for his soldiers to fight in public, and he doesn't need to lose some reputation.

"Oh, it turns out that Xiaobing misunderstood. Forgive Xiaobing for not having read the book and lacking understanding. I thought that the supervising army was going to cover up Lieutenant General Du to bully us powerless soldiers. It turned out that Xiaobing misunderstood and almost died. I have wronged Supervisor Wu."

Wu Hai only felt his throat tingle, what is cover-up and oppression, this would simply choke him to death, but what he said was not accusation, but what he thought, this was why he had a seizure, and he could only swallow bitterness.

(End of this chapter)

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