The soldier is a girl

Chapter 256 60: I've Betrayed Wu Hai

Chapter 256 60: I've Betrayed Wu Hai

Mo Ling's mission is to boost morale, he doesn't need to go to the battlefield in person, as long as he stands, the Chen country's army will be as excited as if it had been injected with chicken blood, and it will stand as if cast into molten iron.

After boosting his morale, Mo Ling walked down from the school platform.

As for those soldiers, the generals who had first arranged for them led them to carry out a sneak attack with the arranged battle plan.

And not every general in the camp knew about this sneak attack plan, or the news that Mo Ling had woken up was not known to every general in the camp.

When Wu Hai heard the news that Mo Ling was awake and wanted to visit him, the next second came the news that Mo Ling was standing on the school platform. When he hurried to the school grounds, Mo Ling had already issued a sneak attack mission. Everything caught him off guard.

If he had to believe that Mo Ling woke up not long ago, he wouldn't believe it. Anyone who just woke up and ran to the school grounds to set up troops, rather than asking him to believe that Mo Ling woke up not long ago, it is better to ask him to believe All of this was a premeditated plan, and he was kept in the dark. As a superintendent, such a big sneak attack plan was kept in the dark.

Soldiers were surging in the school grounds. As long as Wu Hai wasn't a no-brainer, he wouldn't question Mo Ling on the school grounds at this moment when his morale was boosted.

So holding his breath, Wu Hai followed Mo Ling back to the camp.

After staying in the military doctor's camp for three days, Mo Ling still misses his camp, or rather he misses the person in his camp, because he has never seen that person since he left that night three days ago one side.

Mo Ling stepped into the tent with his front foot, and before he had time to say a word to the person sitting under the oil lamp, Wu Hai chased him in with his back foot.

"General Mo." The moment he opened his mouth, he was full of anger.

Hearing the sound, Mo Ling stood still, and looked at the angry Wu Hai with his hands behind his back, "Wu Jianjun."

"Don't General Mo plan to give Wu an explanation for what happened tonight?"

Seeing Wu Hai's Mu Jin standing up and not having time to salute meaningfully, Wu Hai began to criticize Mo Ling.

"What explanation does Supervisor Wu need?" Mo Ling walked a few steps to a chair beside him and sat down, "Explain why the general woke up? Or explain why the general sent troops to attack at night?"

"The supervising army didn't know the news until the army left. Shouldn't General Mo explain it?" Wu Hai took a few steps forward, and almost pointed at Mo Ling's nose and asked if you deliberately lied to me or tricked me.

"The general was in a coma for several days. When he woke up, he heard that our army had been defeated repeatedly, and the morale was very low. As a general, how could such a thing happen. The general injured his body, not his brain, and made an impromptu campaign to boost morale The plan is still possible, otherwise the generals who have been doing it for so many years will be in vain."

To put it simply, the general is wounded and directs his whole heart to the soldiers. As for the battle plan, it is the wisdom of the general as a general. How about it? Do you have any opinions?

Mo Ling's sonorous and forceful words made Wu Haina unable to refute a single word. What could he say, whether he believed that Mo Ling was in a coma, or whether he believed that Mo Ling had the wisdom to be a general? To doubt Mo Ling, to put it bluntly, is to question the holy will. No matter how Mo Ling is the imperial guard of the frontier, he dare not question it even if he has the courage.

"General Mo is worthy of being the general appointed by His Majesty, and Wu admires it. I just hope that the soldiers will not let down the general's painstaking efforts. The general is well-behaved, and Wu won't bother me. Wu will go back and wait for the army." Triumph news." After saying those words, Wu Hai flung his sleeves and left, as fast as a tiger was chasing him.

(End of this chapter)

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