The soldier is a girl

Chapter 258 62: Just passing by

Chapter 258 62: Just passing by

It is easier to catch fish without purpose, but it is much more difficult to catch fish with purpose.

Throughout the morning, Mu Jin used various methods to startle the fish under the ice, and finally found the one she wanted, but it disappeared after a short while. It will take some time to make the soup, and there is no time for her to catch it slowly, so Mujin chose the most direct method and jumped into the lake.

Summer may be nothing, even spring and autumn are nothing, but this is winter, and the icy water is almost frozen to the bone.

Fortunately, Hibiscus jumped on the target and caught the fish he wanted in just one ups and downs. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Carrying the fish hibiscus, he quickly returned to the camp, changed his clothes, twisted his wet hair, and went directly to the logistics with the fish. He cooked the fish soup and made two other side dishes. He took care of the fish soup and helped the logistics in his spare time. People have done work, and their hair has been dried by the high fire in the boiler.

But without a comb, Mu Jin just tied her hair behind her back with a headband, and then went to the meeting table with the prepared side dishes and fish soup. The post-war affairs should almost be dealt with now.

It's just that when she appeared outside the meeting tent with food, she only heard a delicate voice coming from inside.

"Brother Ling, you have been tired all night and half a day, and you just woke up. I specially asked someone to make this chicken soup. You can make up for it."

Mu Jin's steps stopped outside the agenda because of the sound.

"Young Master Su, do you count as being a part of the meeting?" The voice belonged to Bai Ze.


Mu Jin couldn't see what was going on in the tent, but she heard Su Yingying's unwilling but acknowledging voice.

Then there was the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding.

Heh, the corner of Mu Jin's mouth curled into a sneering arc, she made it so embarrassing to handle a fish, and it was so easy for others to handle a chicken.

It's also her own fault for meddling, a general has too many people who care about him, so there is no need for her to get involved.

Hibiscus's feet turned in one direction almost without hesitation. She doesn't like rushing to grab people. Since she doesn't need her to show up, she shouldn't show up. It just so happens that she didn't eat herself. Today's cooking is quite sumptuous , cheaper for herself.

After only a few steps, a blue figure stepped out from the corner of the tent.

Mu Jin's steps paused, because he could only bend slightly because he was holding something, "My lord."

Mo Yu looked at the tray in Mu Jin's hand at first glance, even with the lid on, Mo Yu felt that he could smell a fragrance.

"Meal delivery?" The only thing Mo Yu could think of was this, after all, Mo Ling was handling official business inside, and Mu Jin, as Mo Ling's real soldier, appeared here with a rice tray in his hand, there should be no second one besides this.

"Passing by." Mu Jin dropped two words calmly, and then took two steps to one side to make a detour.

pass by?This is how many bends to go around.

Mo Yu didn't believe it, but he didn't intend to expose it.He doesn't get involved in other people's affairs.

Just as Mu Jin staggered his steps and Mo Yu walked forward, another voice sounded from inside the tent.

"This shiitake mushroom is not bad, it's quite fresh." This was Bai Ze's voice of admiration.

Mo Yu continued to walk, but Mu Jin's detour stopped.

"Brother Ling, look, Bai Ze said it was delicious, so you can eat a little before making it. It's Yingying's kindness."

"It's really good, you eat a little, Ling."

In two sentences, Mo Yu had already walked to the curtain of the tent and raised the curtain with his hand.

Mu Jin still stopped at the same spot with the plate, when the curtain was lifted, Mu Jin glanced sideways, Mo Ling happened to pick up the bowl of soup, Mu Jin picked up the tray with one hand and the chopsticks on the tray in the other hand, and asked Mo Yu to pick up the soup under the curtain. He threw the chopsticks as he slipped from his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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