The soldier is a girl

Chapter 265 69: Set up Bai Ze's chapter

Chapter 265 69: Take Bai Ze's Words
Bai Ze choked for a moment but still tried to defend himself, "Don't care if she's squeamish or not, this has already happened, so just say you pushed or not."

"Pushed." What she did was that she never denied it, even though it wasn't intentional, but she didn't bother to explain.

"That's it. I'm not here to accuse you. I'm just giving you some breath. You can think about it for yourself. There might be a trial in three sessions later. I've said everything I need to say. I have to go." It's over, otherwise it will be a bad end if someone reports to you." Saying that, Bai Ze was about to get up and leave.

Mu Jin stretched out her hand quickly and pulled it, and Bai Ze sat back on the bed with a snap.

"Brother Bai."

Mu Jin's cry made Bai Ze tremble three times, so trembling that he forgot what he was going to do just now.

"What are you calling me?" He heard it right, he didn't know how many times he tried to coerce and lure me because of this name without success.
"Brother Bai." Mu Jin endured the sudden intensified abdominal pain and called out again. It's just a title. To achieve her goal, she doesn't recommend using it.

Another sound, this time Bai Ze heard it very clearly, and his hand was pulled by the hibiscus, Bai Ze only felt a little itchy in his heart and wanted to hold it back, but this feeling was too strange, Bai Ze didn't dare to hold it back. Obedient but reluctant to take it away, so it became such a picture of holding hands and looking at tearful eyes.

"Cough..." Bai Ze covered his mouth with his free hand and coughed slightly unnaturally, "What do you want to do with being so eager?"

"Nothing, but Lieutenant Bai ran away without answering the question. Mu Jin thinks it's very unreasonable." Mu Jin didn't think so much about Bai Ze, and was afraid that Bai Ze would run away, so she just grabbed him and didn't let go. As for why she grabbed him That was pure coincidence.

Probably the sound of Lieutenant General Bai played a role, Bai Ze returned to normal, as for the hand that was being pulled, he chose to ignore it.

"what is the problem."

Mu Jin had a severe stomachache and didn't want to play around, so she went straight to the point, "It's that Young Master Su, who is she?"

"Why are you so obsessed with her identity? Didn't you say so, Ling's relative?"

"Okay, since you don't say it, let's change it." After speaking, Mu Jin suddenly leaned forward, getting a little closer to Bai Ze.

Mu Jin's leaning made Bai Ze back away in fright, but he was pulled back by the strength of his hand, so he sat back.

"Am I eating people, such a big reaction?"

"No..." Bai Ze didn't have the face to explain, he did react a bit, "I just..."

"It doesn't matter if it is." Mu Jin's stomach made her have no time to listen to Bai Ze's explanation, "I just want to ask if Vice General Bai has a wife?"

"Who doesn't know I'm single."

"What about the fiancee?"

"No, I'm a man on the battlefield, so I don't have to delay other girls."

"What about the general, does he have one?"

"He..." Bai Ze suddenly got stuck.

A look of disappointment flashed in Mu Jin's eyes, but Bai Ze's reaction was sensitive.

"No, I said that you are just a soldier, who cares about eating, drinking and fighting. Why do you even care about this?"

"My pleasure."

"You really don't care if you like it."

"Is it okay to ask?"

"Okay, but you go ask the Lord, what do you want me to do?" It's not that he didn't say anything, but it's really hard to say about it, you say yes, Ling hasn't admitted yet, you say no, Yan Ling admits Well, this is really hard to answer.

Bai Ze's repeated pushes, obstacles, and avoidances meant that he didn't give a positive answer, and Mu Jin had guessed the answer to some extent, no matter if it was there or not, at least it wouldn't be no, otherwise Bai Ze, who has always spoken frankly, wouldn't be so obsessive about his words.

But since he dared to perfunctory her like this, there was still a price to pay, such as a proper bend.

(End of this chapter)

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