The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2722 1978: Public Trial of Mo Rui

Chapter 2722 1978: Public Trial of Mo Rui (5)

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire lobby seemed a little weird.

With a slap, Dali Temple Minister knocked on the table with a wooden tree and said solemnly: "Mo Rui, why do you want to argue?"

Dali Siqing's opening can be regarded as breaking the weird atmosphere. No matter what, today's public trial will give a result anyway. You must know that this case has been dragged on for a long time.

"I didn't kill anyone." Mo Rui slowly raised his head as if he had been shocked by Tangmu, and gave Dali Siqing a persistent look, and then looked at King Huainan who was sitting on the side. A little bit of persistence and hope.

And these little attachments and hopes were shattered little by little under the consistent seriousness of King Huainan. The process of shattering was clearly seen by the Dali Siqing and the Minister of the Ministry of Justice above. I have witnessed with my own eyes how much Mo Rui was treated like grass in Huainan Wang, and this is really the same as Mo Ling's treatment like a treasure.

Although the people standing outside the hall watching couldn't see Mo Rui's expression clearly, the little bit of decadence around him was enough to explain everything.

"The cause of Wu Yong's death speaks for itself with evidence. This is the evidence of another careful inspection in the past ten days. Both parties please read it."

Whether King Huainan is cruel or not is a matter for King Huainan. As a presiding judge, what he has to do is to handle the case according to the procedure.

The Minister of Dali Temple opened his mouth to advance the case again, and asked the yamen guard on one side to hand over the records prepared on the case table in several copies to Mo Rui, who had been watching by Mo Rui and Wu Hai.

"Facts have proved that the poison in Wu Yong's body is a chronic poison. Even without the dispute with Mo Rui that day, he would have died a month later. But after all, he had a dispute with Mo Rui before the poison came out. One kick directly killed Wu Yong, but Wu Yong would never have died without that kick."

The record was sent out, and Dali Siqing also gave a simple dictation, but the last few words were contradictory, but also very reasonable.

Regardless of whether it is contradictory or justified, there is still no decisive result, or Dali Temple Secretary cunningly throws out the right to make a conclusion again. In fact, the people involved in this case are not easy to mess with. It seems that it is Wu Hai and Mo Rui. , but the one who can't get it right is Huainan King and the emperor. If you can protect yourself wisely, you can protect yourself wisely. This is the eternal way of officialdom.

"As long as the evidence is correct, I have no objection to how Mo Rui should be dealt with. I have no objection, but allow me to say something more. After all, this Wu Yong is the son of Wu Guogong, and he can be regarded as the son of an official, but that's it. Unexplained being poisoned with chronic poison, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment would not stand idly by. You must know that there are many officials and eunuchs in Yanling City, and none of them were poisoned for no apparent reason. The burden of the temple. Of course, the one who can’t let go is Wu Guogong. After all, the poison was also the indirect murderer who killed Wu Yong. Wu Guogong wouldn’t just let him go like this, right? Otherwise, this king would be very suspicious of Wu Guogong’s efforts to seek justice for his son It's just to target the Huainan Palace, not to really seek justice for my son."

No one expected that it was King Huainan who spoke first, and King Huainan simply flipped through the paper in his hand and did not read it carefully. It can be seen that he really didn't care much about Mo Rui's fate.

And none of the words he said was in defense of Mo Rui. If he wanted to say that maintenance was only for the Huainan Palace, the life and death of Mo Rui's son was really not as important as the Huainan Palace's reputation with the Huainan Palace. .

(End of this chapter)

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