The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2734 1990: The official went to the banquet

Chapter 2734 1990: Hundreds of officials attend a banquet

At least not for a short time.

And this so-called short time allowed Mo Rui some time to attend the palace banquet.

Not only did it give Mo Rui a time to attend the palace banquet, but it also made the other dignitaries who had been paying attention to it withdraw their gazes and concentrate on the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

The fall of night heralds the arrival of the palace banquet.

Hundreds of officials led their families in costumes and rode in carriages towards the gate of the palace.

There are many more red lanterns in front of the gate of the palace today than usual. Apart from adding to the joy of the festival, the bright light can be said to illuminate the gate of the palace as bright as day.

Not only that, but the road from the palace gate to the main venue of the banquet is also hung with bright red lanterns.

One after another the carriages stopped at the gate of the palace one after another, and the officials and their families got out of the carriages one after another, greeting each other and heading towards the palace gate covered with red lanterns.

Horse-drawn carriages were not allowed to drive inside the palace gate, but there were one or two accidents.

For example, the carriage of the Huainan Palace, and the carriage of the Emperor's Mansion. The honor of the Huainan Palace comes from the special treatment that the ancestors have always had with the founding emperor.

Of course, even if you can enter the palace gate, you have to stop outside the double gate, but even so, it is a great honor among the officials.

Although there is some distance from the palace gate to the double gate, some officials who came earlier have already reached the double gate even on foot.

Therefore, when the carriage of the Huainan Palace stopped at the double gate, many officials and their families had already gathered around.

When the carriage stopped and the curtains were opened, and a floral dress jumped off the carriage, it can be said that many officials and their families were blinded.

There is no one other than Mo Rui who can wander around Yanling city in a flowered dress comfortably.

Although Mo Rui's status in Yanling City these years is that of a very inconspicuous waste that anyone can be bullied, but because he was born in the Huainan Palace, even if he is a waste, he is also a well-known waste.

Usually, when they see this trash, they usually have contemptuous and disdainful eyes and attitudes, but at this moment, such a person whom they despise, disdain and even bully has come to the double gate in a carriage. This alone is enough to crush them.

This kind of contrast instantly made the officials present and their family members have a strong rebellious mentality. Although they haven't seen any action yet, the contempt, disdain, jealousy and resentment in their eyes at that moment have already revealed everything.

But the person involved seemed not to feel it. He lifted the hem of his clothes, shook the folding fan in his hand and said to the surrounding officials with great generosity: "Good evening, my lords."

The generous and even sinister greeting was really different from the usual timid manner.

The moment Mo Rui finished speaking, the curtain of the carriage belonging to the Huainan Prince's Mansion was opened again, and a white dress jumped down from above, and took a cold look at Mo Rui, who was still swinging his fan, and then turned his eyes away. Squinting, he lifted his foot and walked towards the double door.

This heroic white dress is none other than Mo Chuxiao, princess of Huainan King.

The presence of Mo Chuxiao and Mo Rui in the same carriage surprised the officials to some extent, but seeing Mo Chuxiao's indifferent attitude at the moment, everyone could guess the reason for sharing the ride. .

But regardless of whether it was true or not, even if Mo Rui and Mo Chuxiao got in the same carriage, they couldn't help but ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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