The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2739 1995: This is amnesia

Chapter 2739 1995: This is amnesia
"It's fine if you don't like me, Mu Jin, as a woman. After all, women are mostly appendages in the eyes of you men, so it's not surprising."

Compared with the imposing manner of the questioning just now, this sentence is much weaker, but the bright irony has become another kind of slap in the face, and this is just the beginning.

"But if Shi Lang despises His Majesty's favor, it's no small matter. Everyone knows that my Mu Jin's official title was conferred by His Majesty, so..."

When it comes to His Majesty's decree, this is not just a trivial matter of arguing between two people.So much so that when Mu Jin said this, Ye Yihan immediately changed his face and wanted to grab the noise, but how could Mu Jin give him this opportunity.

"So even though I, Mu Jin, am a woman, I am still an upright third-rank official, and I am a descendant of the Mu family, so I have the absolute right to inherit the Mu family army. If Shi Lang said nothing about Mo Ling, my Mu family army would have no successors. Really I really think that I, Mu Jin, is a dead person, and I regard His Majesty's imperial decree as nothing."

If such an upright and domineering Mu Jin thinks she is a weak woman, then she is really out of her mind, just Mu Jin's high hat that regards His Majesty's imperial decree as nothing is enough for Ye Yihan to drink a pot.

But Ye Yihan is not a vegetarian either, after all, he has been in the officialdom for a long time, but he was slightly stunned after Mu Jin's words, and then quickly answered the words.

"Little General Mu is too serious. How dare this servant despise His Majesty's favor? It's because women in this world are so weak that this servant always unconsciously forgets that there is such a special existence as General Mu. After all, General Mu is already famous. Flowers have owners, it’s not something we can care about casually, isn’t it?”

A person can always be remembered because of his special rather than because of his mediocrity, so anyone with a good ear can hear Ye Yihan's sophistry, but the last sentence is irrefutable, especially when two people.

Mo Lingjue would not want his woman to be missed by another man, and Mu Jin would not want to be missed by someone like Ye Yihan.

So I have to say that Ye Yihan's sophistry was on point, and the atmosphere between the three of them seemed a little stiff at this moment.

Although Ye Yihan came up with Zhang Liang's scheme, wouldn't there be a wall ladder on Mo Ling's side?

"The general refused seven years ago, and now Ye Shilang is bringing up the old story again. Is Ye Shilang suffering from amnesia or Ye Shilang is going back as he lives?"

Mo Ling's rebuttal was like a slap directly on Ye Shilang's face, so straightforward that he didn't save him any face.

Ye Yihan couldn't maintain a peaceful expression at the moment, his face darkened, as ugly as it could be.

The already stiff atmosphere became even more stiff at this moment.

"General Ling has really been away from Yanling City for too long. Who in Yanling City doesn't know that Ye Shilang is an expert in the Ministry of Punishment. He is a first-class excellent man. How could he suffer from amnesia?"

A voice came in jokingly and broke the deadlock.

Everyone heard the reputation and looked around, only to see a blue figure strolling with his sleeves flicked, this is Qin Jiuye.

And Qin Jiu's words are all disguised to say that Ye Yihan is living and going back.

Ye Yihan's complexion turned ugly in an instant. It was enough to deal with a first-rank general, but now adding a first-rank civil servant would make Ye Yihan's situation worse.

(End of this chapter)

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