The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2743 1999: He is an emperor

Chapter 2743 1999: He is an emperor
"Master Emperor..."

"Master Emperor..."

"Master Emperor..."

As Su Boxiong moved towards the front of the main hall, the officials and their families sitting on both sides of the main hall stood up from the entrance of the main hall and saluted Su Boxiong, especially the civil officials.

Both veterans, Su Boxiong who appeared at this point was obviously much more sensational than the old General Ye Ge and Prime Minister Qin who came before him.

And the sound of saluting became weaker when approaching the center of the hall, because the higher the level of the officials, the higher the result, the higher the result, the more they just stood up and made a sound, so that people can't find the mistake.

Mu Jin is definitely the most perfunctory person among those who mean this. She just stood there for a while without even humming. Ling and even the Mu family were criticized.

Mo Ling was even worse, he didn't even get up when he got up. In the past, he got up to save face for Huainan Princess, but this morning he fell out. In terms of rank, he is not inferior to Su Boxiong. Even if he is not polite, he can't find fault.

As for the veterans of the same rank as Su Boxiong...

"Old Man Su, you still pick your time, why don't you wait for His Majesty to come..."

There is no one other than Mu Peng who can directly hate Su Boxiong like this.

Su Boxiong's response was no response, and he ignored Mu Peng and walked over from his desk. After all, there is no result in entanglement with a messy person. The best response is to ignore it. This is Su Boxiong's refutation. Mu Peng has many years of experience.

It doesn't matter if Mu Peng is ignored, he also does shameless things.

"Master, I'm the emperor..." Mo Ling didn't want to speak suddenly when Su Boxiong just missed their table.

This opening made Su Boxiong stop immediately and turned his head to shoot a piercing gaze, which was fierce as if he wanted to eat people.

Regarding this, Mo Ling stretched out his hand to pour a glass of wine and handed it to Mu Peng as if nothing had happened, as if he was really just talking to Mu Peng, not alluding to others.

In Mu Peng's image, Mo Ling has never publicly confronted Su Boxiong, and he also understands Mo Ling's position, and never thought of asking Mo Ling to be on the same front as him, but now such a scene suddenly took him by surprise. I froze for a moment.

But just for a moment, Mu Peng reached out his hand to catch the wine glass Mo Ling handed over, showing remorse, "Master is confused, he forgot that he is the emperor..."

On the face he was remorseful, but in Mu Peng's heart he was extremely happy. Su Boxiong's expression as if he was eating meat deeply pleased him.

The master and apprentice sang a harmony, and they almost said that Su Boxiong thought highly of himself because of his status as the emperor's teacher.

The officials in the palace have all been in the officialdom for many years, and they saw the result of this harmony almost after a little thought, and they all held their breath at the moment, which meant another war was about to start. There was a lot of fighting inside the Huainan Palace, and this would lead to a war between factions.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became tense.

"The banquet is about to start, and His Majesty is coming soon, Master Su, you should hurry up and take your seat."

At this moment, the well-known peacemaker Old Prime Minister Qin opened his mouth, which directly gave Su Boxiong a step down, and even indirectly interrupted the battle that was about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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