The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2747 2003: Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet

Chapter 2747 2003: Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet
Qin Jiu took two deep breaths, then glared at Mo Ling who was diagonally opposite, but there was no movement on the opposite side, so he could only pour the wine with his hands down and raise his head to drink.

He doesn't care about women, this is Mo Ling's responsibility, and he will pay it back tomorrow... just pay it back...

The officials around who saw this scene couldn't help sighing again, this Mujin's mouth is really powerful, even Qin Jiu has fallen into trouble, it's really irresistible...

Of course, this is just the official's idea. As for those ladies, they are all jealous, slandered and resentful. Who told Mu Jin to become the fiancée of the wishful man in the hearts of thousands of women in Yanling City...


In order to show the majesty of the emperor, the emperor always arrives some time after the set time for the banquet in the palace.

The same is true today.

"The emperor is here...the empress is here..."

"The minister (official wife, minister's daughter) kowtows to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor, kowtows to the empress, the empress is a thousand years old..."

As soon as the singing sounded, everyone in the hall immediately stood up and greeted him.

This time, no one sat down, and the king came here, so it’s fine if you don’t mean it. If one is not in place, it is a contempt for the holy power, and it is a crime that can be beheaded.

Even the crown prince stood up, but he bent down and kowtowed only after the emperor and empress came up to him, and said, "I pay homage to my father and queen."

This is not an imperial court, so Mo Yu's call of father, queen and queen is nothing more than that.

"I pay my respects to my father and queen mother." Mo Cangming and Mo Yicheng followed closely behind to salute.

"Beitangyao pays homage to Emperor Chen." Immediately after him is Beitangyao, the eldest prince of Beitang, who is well-dressed and conspicuous but has been ignored by others. He bent down and gave a half salute.

The emperor didn't speak, but after walking up to the top and sitting down with the empress, he said: "The family of all the gentlemen is flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Everyone thanked En and got up.

Bei Tangyao followed the trend and stood up straight.

"My lovers don't need to stick to the etiquette. I hold this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet just to have fun with all my lovers. All my lovers just treat it as a family banquet. Let's all sit down."

As soon as everyone stood up, the emperor spoke again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Everyone thanked them again, and then sat down in their seats.

Seeing this, the emperor didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Prince, let's have a banquet."

"Yes, father." The prince received the order and immediately ordered the little eunuch on the side to pass on the food and the singing and dancing.

It took only a moment for this order to go on, and all the maids came in from the gate of the Liuli Palace with colorful food and then interspersed among the officials and their families sitting in the palace.

At the same time, singing and dancing also entered the hall, vocal music started, dance clothes fluttered, and the hall was filled with singing and dancing.

And at this time, the emperor looked kindly at Bei Tangyao at the lower left.

"I don't know if there is such a reunion festival in Xiao Country?" The emperor didn't call the name, but Bei Tangyao was the only one who mentioned that Xiao Guo had the right to speak, not to mention that the emperor's eyes fell on him at the moment .

"Yes, there are, but my prince Xijing seldom participates."

One does not have a respectful name, the other calls himself the prince, no matter which one has committed the taboo of contempt for the majesty, but this is the prince of another country, there is nothing wrong with it, but a proton who can’t recognize his identity like this is not flattering .

 It was a year-long update due to morning sickness. Thank you for your continued support. The update will resume from this month, and the delayed new book will be launched next month. I hope everyone can continue to support it, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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