The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2914 2170: Mu Peng blocks the way

Chapter 2914 2170: Mu Peng blocks the way

Hearing it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.

But just hearing about it is already shocking, and what a shock it is to see it with one's own eyes.

Among the people who came to Mu Manor to watch the ceremony, some of them were unwilling to believe in the so-called Wanli Hongzhuang out of jealousy. After seeing Mo Ling riding a big horse and stepping on the red carpet, followed by a group of endless wedding ceremony At that time, that ridiculous insistence was shattered to nothing.

Thousands of miles of red makeup and a wedding ceremony with no end in sight, this is something that many women dare not even think about, but it is also something that many women dream of.

Because of this, they were still unwilling to believe it, but the reality slapped them hard.

And when they saw the red-clothed man riding a tall horse, no one could feel jealous for no reason.

As long as there are women present, no matter whether they are unmarried or married, whether they are young ladies or maids, it can be said that as long as they see the oncoming red dress, they only feel that their hearts have been hit.

They felt that what they saw was not the mortals in the world, but the elves among the flowers who were born among the flowers of the other shore.

The Bana flowers in full bloom lined the cuffs of Mo Ling's clothes, the cuffs and the neckline of the belt, and it felt like there was a fresh life. Under the Bana flowers in full bloom, the already peerless face added an unearthly feeling. The flirtatiousness of fireworks.

The women were all bewildered, and many men were dazzled, but they quickly regained their senses. After all, they cared more about the supreme power than the ostentatious appearance.

The last time Mo Ling hired half the city's betrothal gift, and this time the wedding ceremony was no less than a reward, how rich is this?
By the way, there are also soldiers holding red silk swords and halberds everywhere. Where did so many soldiers come from? Isn't Mo Ling afraid of being impeached?
Under the attention of everyone, the welcoming team stopped in front of the Mu Mansion, and then the drum music stopped, and then there was the sound of firecrackers, crackling, crackling, very loud.

As the sound of firecrackers fell, Mo Ling lifted his clothes and rolled over from the tall horse. His wanton and unrestrained posture disturbed a wave of girls' hearts.


Officials went into congratulatory mode.

Mo Ling walked straight into the gate of Mu Mansion amidst the congratulations, and the moment he entered the gate, he was greeted by soldiers in black all over the courtyard, so much so that the officials watching the ceremony had to retreat to the edge of the courtyard.

On the other side of the courtyard full of soldiers, on the steps of the corridor, stood the mighty Mu Peng.

The way Mu Peng looked at Mo Ling looked like he was looking at his son-in-law, as if he was looking at the enemy in the battle.

And isn't this the enemy, the enemy who came to snatch his granddaughter.

"I've recruited a hundred Mu family troops. After they pass, I'll talk to me about getting married."

As soon as Mu Peng's words came out, those officials standing on the edge couldn't help but backed away to the side again, so Chi Yu couldn't be hurt.

It made many people sigh. Mu Peng's nonsense is really well-deserved. He really can do things that ordinary people can't do anytime, anywhere and on any occasion.

"It must be done by yourself, otherwise I will not admit it." After Mu Peng finished speaking, he paused and added a sentence. After he finished, he was very proud.

No matter how much everyone sighed, it couldn't stop Mu Peng's heart to do a lot.

"Is the fault Master said to make them retreat voluntarily?"

Facing Mu Peng like this, Mo Ling asked a question in a very calm manner, and then added, "Of course, I will do it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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