The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2918 2174: Civilian methods

Chapter 2918 2174: Civilian methods
Su Qibai spoke very quickly, and said everything she heard after a while, and immediately said: "Now it's time to go to Uncle Mu, Uncle Mu's pen and ink are all over the yard. Gotta go and see..."

Saying that, Su Qibai ran away in a flash.

Seeing that Su Qibai was so excited, Su Qingyan shook her head helplessly, but she was also very pleased and grateful to Mu Jin.

Because of the protection of hibiscus, Su Qibai is still alive as before.

And this gratitude to her will be remembered in the bottom of my heart, and I will repay it with actions. Words alone are too pale.

"Big brother really did everything he could to marry you. A stern general actually started a matchmaker's business."

"That can't be helped, who told him to marry me."

"Hehe..." Mu Jin's arrogant answer made Su Qingyan laugh out loud, "You said big brother would deal with Uncle Mu's words all over the yard like this, after all big brother is a general!"

"No one stipulates that generals cannot read and write! Besides, have you forgotten that he was the son of the Huainan prince before?"

Speaking of this, Mu Jin suddenly remembered the day when she regained her red makeup. He traded his status as the prince of Huainan in exchange for a marriage contract with her. , and said that he would marry...

Thinking about it, Mu Jin couldn't help curling the corners of her mouth.

And Su Qingyan also thought about what happened that day, but she didn't say it out, but said: "I look forward to big brother slapping those civil servants in the face in public."

Although she is not in the court, but as the prime minister's wife, she needs to know more about the affairs in the court. This civil and military dispute has always existed.

"Hehe..." Su Qingyan's words made Mu Jin chuckle, "Ayan, Qin Jiu is the head of civil servants."

"Really?" Su Qingyan looked like I had lost my memory, and then said with a smile, "He's not here..."

"Hehe..." Then the two laughed at the same time.


Let's talk about the front yard.

After the grandfather Mu Peng passed away, he became the uncle Mu Xu.

As a general, Mu Peng's method is to use Mu's army to fight in an extremely simple and rude manner. It's a pity that Mo Ling was so witty and broke him. He was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he was extremely proud. People are his apprentices, and will become his grandson-in-law.

And Mu Xu, as a civil servant, of course had to use the civil servant's method.

Couplets, writing poems, making propositions, the Four Treasures of the Study set up several tables, all the way from the courtyard to the end.

It's not easy to cheat on this, after all, the four treasures of the study are dead things.

Mu Xu was kind, he didn't say anything, he just put up the battle, and didn't say that no one should replace him.

However, after Mo Ling saw this scene, he picked up his pen without saying anything, and then began to write all the way, one table at a time.

The officials watching the ceremony following Mo Ling, especially civil servants, saw Mo Ling passing by at a high speed, and couldn't help but stepped forward to visit.

Not to mention the content, the handwriting that jumps out on the paper is daunting. Just by looking at the words, one can see the cold general's spirit of its owner.

Besides the content, the civil servants couldn't help themselves to follow the question to make the content. After doing it all the way, they found that they were not as good as the content that jumped out on the paper, and they were immediately beaten to pieces.

But thinking that Mo Ling was born in the Huainan Palace, and was the son of the Huainan Palace before, it's not surprising that he has such a talent...

(End of this chapter)

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