The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2930 2186: Blood splattered on the spot

Chapter 2930 2186: Blood splattered on the spot

She had heard people say that he had a very close relationship with her sister, but she didn't take it seriously because she knew that he, her sister and Uncle Ling were all acquainted.

But this time, this scene reminded her of a sentence her sister once said. Her sister said that Bei Tangyao had a woman she liked, but she didn't say who it was. Now, she knew, that person was her sister.

But now she just wants to say, no wonder he doesn't like her, it turns out that he fell in love with such an outstanding woman as his sister.

But she still wants to fight hard...

"Since when did Big Brother have such a good relationship with General Ling and Little General Mu? Especially with the intimacy with Little General Mu, people who don't know will think you like Little General Mu!"

As for being ignored by Beitangyao, Beitangyan had the heart to kill Beitangyao, but she knew it was unrealistic, but Beitangyao's behavior of being close to Mujin meant that she was sending herself to death if she didn't do anything. She didn't mind giving it a push.

"My fair lady is so good. Little General Mu is so good. Is it strange that I like her?"

Bei Tangyao's words directly slapped Bei Tangyan. Beitangyan was going to give Beitangyao a slap, but she never thought that she would actually give him a ride. The point is that there is nothing wrong with these words. It was so fine that she couldn't even refute it if she wanted to.

After repeated defeats, Beitangyan was so angry that her heart was congested, and she was about to suffocate herself to death.

As for the onlookers, who were still conspiring about the relationship between Bei Tangyao, Mu Jin, and Mo Ling just now, thinking about how to take the opportunity to make a fuss to harm Mo Ling, it is inexplicable to be admitted by Bei Tangyao so generously at this moment. It is reasonable, and I feel that their conspiracy just now is completely redundant.

After all, Mu Jin is excellent in terms of identity, appearance, and ability. It is normal for men to like to pursue her, but none of them think about it. It is entirely because Mu Jin is Mo Ling's wife. I stopped thinking so much that I forgot the idea of ​​hitting hibiscus.

If Mo Ling didn't strike first, they...

What are they?There was nothing left, because a moment after Beitang Yao's words fell, the two maids who followed Beitangyan suddenly took out daggers from their sleeves and stabbed Beitangyan.

This accident happened so suddenly that even Bei Tangyan didn't react, and then one arm was stabbed by a court lady's dagger, and the blood was immediately blurred.

This change was so shocking that everyone was stunned for an instant, that is, at this moment of stunned, they saw the two maids who were fighting with Beitangyan, one of them threw something on the ground, and in an instant Smoke was everywhere, and the other one still stabbed at Beitangyan.

This time Beitangyan dodged dangerously, and this avoidance made her directly approach the hibiscus, and this approach combined with the obstruction of the smoke, Beitangyan took the opportunity to raise her hand and waved towards the hibiscus, and between the palms was There are a few silver needles that are almost invisible and glowing with blue light.

It's just that this hand was stopped by someone before it got close to the hibiscus, and then a caring voice sounded beside his ear, "Sister, are you okay?"

At the same time as the sound of caring sounded, the smoke that had just risen just now dispersed.

The entire lobby has not changed at all from just now, and the people watching the ceremony still stand where they should stand.

Except for the maids, eunuchs and guards brought by Bei Tangyan, all blood was splashed on the spot.

This scene made Beitangyan feel that her arrival today and her various behaviors after her arrival were like a stone thrown into a lake, with only a little splash, and then no waves.

(End of this chapter)

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