The soldier is a girl

Chapter 295 99: Su Yingying did it again

Chapter 295 99: Su Yingying did it again

If it weren't for Mujin's joy and joy towards Bai Ze before, maybe this alienation would not be so unacceptable, but it happened that she was in the front and this was in the back. This kind of her smiling face to other men was sneering at him. Such a sharp contrast, he If he could bear it, he wouldn't be interested in her, but if he couldn't bear it, so what, what she said in the morning was still vivid in his memory, and he had to bear it if he couldn't bear it, because he couldn't destroy her.

"I'm hungry, let's cook breakfast." Mo Ling just blurted out his orders, not knowing whether to make more excuses, to show more presence, or to let off steam.

"Yes." Mu Jin didn't resist at all, and immediately pressed the way back and went back again.

Looking at Mu Jin's firm back, Mo Ling's fist was about to be crushed, but then he could only flick his sleeves and walk back to the tent.

She really was born to conquer him.


What Bai Ze said by Mu Jin's words was that he fled in despair, but after he left, he calmed down for a while and found that he had been tricked by Mu Jin in an instant. Thinking of his running away in such a pussy way, he himself panicked for himself.

But since it's a joke, there's no need to pay much attention to it. If you care too much, it will appear deliberate.

So when it was time for lunch, Bai Ze came to find Mu Jin with the food.

And although Mu Jin and Mo Ling shared the camp, it was just a matter of moving from the left to the right, and they were still close together, so he directly made more, and came with the three of them, and sent it directly to Mo Ling's camp, and then went to the next door to catch people without saying anything.

After all, she was injured, and Mu Jin couldn't do anything with her appearance, so she lay down and rested. Mo Ling worked hard on her and cooked her breakfast in the morning, but didn't bother her anymore, so she was at leisure.

It's just that when Bai Ze came to pull her to eat next door, she was a little reluctant, but she didn't want to let Bai Ze see anything, after all, eating together was not once or twice, so Mu Jin could only follow Bai Ze to the next door.

And when he got to the next door, Mo Ling was already sitting at the dining table, holding a bowl of rice.

Bai Ze happily pulled Mu Jin to sit at the table, "The deputy general will bring you food, and the general will serve you rice. Mu Jin, no one else treats you like this."

"Hehe..." Mu Jin smirked at Bai Ze twice, then sat down without saying anything, and took the rice bowl with chopsticks to eat.

Bai Ze made fun of himself, touched his nose and picked up his job.

Just as the three began to eat in silence, the curtain was lifted.

"Brother Ling, I've brought you delicious food. This is the fish soup that has been boiled all morning. It's time to make up for it." Su Yingying came in with a smile on her plate.

After Su Yingying came in, Mo Yu put down the curtain and walked in.

Because she had to pay attention to the road while holding the fish soup, even though Su Yingying entered the tent, she didn't look towards the dining table until she went to the dining table and put down the fish soup. When he saw her eating at the same table as Mo Ling, he immediately screamed.

"You little soldier, who asked you to eat at the same table with brother Ling, you still can't speak the rules."

With a 'crack' sound, the chopsticks in Mu Jin's hand broke.

According to Mu Jin's endurance before, she would not care about such a small matter, even if she stood up without giving in, at least she chose to remain silent, but now, huh...

Hibiscus threw away the broken chopsticks and picked up the spoon on the table to continue eating. Although it was also silent, this action could be called provocative.

"Hey, did you hear me talking to you?" Su Yingying yelled again unwilling to be ignored.Thinking of the slap yesterday made her feel aggrieved, but the slap was her own hand, so it was useless to argue, not to mention that this kid had pretended too much before, who would have expected her to do it.In particular, the slap mark disappeared not long after, leaving her with no evidence, but her face hurt so badly.She can only be a dumb loser for this loss.

(End of this chapter)

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